how to fiind data inside of a string

  • Any help is greatly appreciated. I'm using SQL server 2000 and a have a field that contains a file path like this:


    and I'm trying to parse out the directory "releases". The starting position will always be the same, right after: "D:\MailRoomImporter\incoming_documents\" but the directory name and length can change.

    So essentially I'm trying to find the field after: "D:\MailRoomImporter\incoming_documents\" and before the next "\"

    So far I have:

    SELECT FileName,


    /* */ FileName,

    /* */ CHARINDEX('documents\',FileName,1) +10,

    /* */ CHARINDEX('documents\', SUBSTRING(FileName,

    CHARINDEX('\', FileName, 1) + 19, 99))

    But this is returning some additional characters after releases. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks!

  • So is this what you are looking for ?

    declare @myfile varchar(256)

    set @myfile='D:\MailRoomImporter\incoming_documents\releases\OC\11000248.pdf'

    Select datalength(@myfile)

    SELECT @myfile

    , substring(@myfile, 40, datalength(@myfile)) as TheRest

    , CHARINDEX('\',substring(@myfile, 40, datalength(@myfile)),1) as theslash

    , substring( substring(@myfile, 40, datalength(@myfile)), 1, CHARINDEX('\',substring(@myfile, 40, datalength(@myfile)),1) - 1 ) as LookingForThis

    LookingForThis results in the text 'releases'


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  • awesome! Thank you. But how do I format this so that I can use it as part of a regular query and use a column name as @myfile?

    Thanks again!

  • I figured it out, thanks again!

  • Just replace the @var with the column name in the select clause.

    I tend to test with @-variables so there is no residue left behind afterwards.

    Glad you figured it out 😉


    Learn to play, play to learn !

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    press F1 for solution, press shift+F1 for urgent solution 😀

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  • This might be of use to you

    CREATE PROCEDURE Dbo.Parse_Charfieldforavalue_02

    @HayStack VARCHAR(200),

    @Find VARCHAR(50)


    DECLARE @Here Int

    DECLARE @There Int

    DECLARE @TheNeedle VARCHAR(200)

    SET @Here = 0

    SET @There = LEN(RTRIM(@HayStack))

    SET @Here = PATINDEX('%' + @Find + '%',@HayStack)

    /* to make even more flexible replace \ in line below with another input variable */

    SET @There = PATINDEX('%\%',SUBSTRING(@HayStack,@Here,@There - @Here))

    SET @TheNeedle = ''

    SET @TheNeedle = SUBSTRING(@HayStack,@Here,@There -1)

    SET @There = @Here + @There -1

    /* Adjust to take out the whimsy */

    SELECT @TheNeedle AS 'Found ',@Here-1 AS 'Between here', @There AS 'And there' -- Found the needle in the hay stack hurrah

    /* Useage:

    Parse_Charfieldforavalue_02 'D:\MailRoomImporter\incoming_documents\releases\OC\11000248.pdf','releases' */

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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