Methods for Monitoring

  • Aside from the myiad of products available on the market to monitor SQL Servers, what are common ways of monitoring multiple SQL Servers?

    Specifically, I would like to see:

    1) All Failed jobs and what server it belongs to,

    2) What Server Agents are running, and what Server Agents are stopped.

    3) other general SQL statistics.

    What I want to do is avoid connecting to each server individually to gather this information. I thought there may be a common way administrators set this up.

    Otherwise, what recommended products are available to do this?

    Thank you!

  • See my replies to this thread...

    additionally most of the items you are looking for can be gotten from querying the system tables and/or Management views in 2k5.

    You could write and search this site for some sort of script that connects to each of your servers and retrieves the appropriate info and stores it in a table that you can later report on.


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  • Thank you, Luke. I'll take a look.

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