Moving Logs and Indexes to new Physical Drive

  • Our reporting server is divided in to 4 drives. C: and H:(data), I;(index), J:(logs),

    We are running out of space for I: IndeX drive and J: Logs.

    So they added a new Drive M: for Index and N: for logs separateley in SAN.

    So, Now we have to move all the indexes in I: to M: and all the logs from J: to N:.

    then they take out the I: and J: physical drives from the SAN.

    Then we have to rename theM: and N: drives to I: and J: respectively.

    Give me some suggestion how to do it ????



  • If you are going to move the files from I to M and J to N, delete I and J, then rename M to I and N to J, the easiest way is this:

    Take the database offline (shutdown SQL Server would be the easiest).

    Move the files to the appropriate drives.

    Delete the old drives.

    Rename the new drives.

    Restart SQL Server.

    At that point, as far as SQL Server is concerned, nothing has changed, the indexes are still on I and the Logs are still on J.


  • Thanks...for the information..

    Moving the files is like...just copying the physical files ,,,right ??

    And how to rename it the same as right click the drive and rename ??



  • Moving the files is like...just copying the physical files ,,,right ??

    -- Yes; but only in THIS PARTICULAR CASE.

    And how to rename it the same as right click the drive and rename ??

    I have no idea what is required to rename drives allocated on a SAN. That is something our network services people handle.


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