SQLServerCentral Article

SQL Server Security Resources


Security Resources for SQL Server


As I work with a particular topic or problem, I often research on the Internet

different opinions, white papers, etc. Here is a list of resources that are located both

on SQL Server Central and other sites that I have found useful.

Online Resources


Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Security

A white paper on SQL Server security in a Windows 2000 domain model. Not sure how many of you are

actually running in this environment, but it is a well written book.

Highly Recommended Microsoft Security Bulletin Search The main search page for security bulletins. You can also register to receive these in email automatically.
Highly Recommended. Database Security Best Practices A variety of topics on Administration, Architecture, and Troubleshooting.
Recommended. Security Best Practices Slightly off topic, but a good list of best practices for your network. Peruse these at your leisure.
Recommended. SQLSecurity.com A nice site by Chip Andrews on SQL Server Security
N/A Managing Security - Chapter 7 of the SQL Server Administrator's Companion This is the chapter on security.

C2 Evaluation for SQL Server 2000

This is the report from the NSA which documents the C2 features of SQL Server.

Bugs and Issues

Cluster issue when non-admin account used.
Remove NT admins from sa mapping.

Perspectives from those in the Industry

  SQL Server Encryption Best and Worst Practices A look at encryption from a database tool vendor.
Worst Practice - Encrypting Data Steve Jones examines the point of view that encrypting data is a bad idea.
  Overview of SQL Server Security Model and Best Practices A look at best practices from a SQL Server MVP.
SQL Server Security - Part 1 Chris Kempster examines basic security for a SQL Server. This presents an overview of places where you can secure your server.
SQL Server Security - Part 2 Chris Kempster examines basic security for a SQL Server. This continues the series with looking at passwords, encryption, roles, abd auditing.
SQL Server Security - Part 3 This article looks at row level security, triggers, and other database security items.



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Steve Jones

©dkRanch.net March 2002

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