Potential issue of updating master..sysservers?

  • Is there any potential issue if we update the srvname in the master..sysservers?

    Any input will be greatly appreciated.

  • If you are trying to rename the local SQL Server, this is the way:

    exec master.dbo.sp_dropserver 'CurrentServerName'

    exec master.dbo.sp_addserver 'NewServerName','local'

  • Why would you want to update it? What are you trying?

    Donn Policarpio

  • This server is relative old. For some reasons, its name was modified by someone. As a result, any job created before this rename could not not be modified without some additional change.

    I know how to update the content in the table, sysservers. But I would like to discuss with others and see what potential danger I may come across because it is a server in a production environment.

    Once again, any input will be greatly appreciated.

  • It should not be a problem. I ever do it before. Anyway you don't have choice right? 😀

    You may refer to the steps given by Jane Matheson


  • I never tried it tho. But if I would, I'll try it out first on a dev somewhere, or look what sp_addserver/sp_dropserver really does, see if there's any dependent tables to be modified aside sysservers. 😉

    Donn Policarpio

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