Iterative REPLACE using table-supplied values

  • I need to write some logic using SS2K that will remove certain characters in a string. Right now, the characters to be dropped are single quotes and exclamation points, so something like this is required:

    DECLARE @StringToReturn VARCHAR(1000)

    DECLARE @StringToReplace CHAR(1)

    SET @StringToReturn = 'John ! O''Connor'

    SET @StringToReplace = '''' --this is a pair of single quotes

    SET @StringToReturn = REPLACE(@StringToReturn, @StringToReplace, '')

    SET @StringToReplace = '!'

    SET @StringToReturn = REPLACE(@StringToReturn, @StringToReplace, '')

    SELECT @StringToReturn

    This works fine. The problem is, I have a table of characters to be dropped, so I figured the best way to do this would be to build a function that checked this table, and did the replace using a WHILE loop. Here's the DDL for the table:

    CREATE TABLE [SpotscInvalidCharacters] (

    [InvalidCharacter] [char] (5) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,

    [InvalidCharacterAction] [char] (1) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,




    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    And here's how to populate it:

    Insert Into SpotscInvalidCharacters

    select '''', 'D' union

    select '!', 'D'

    Here's the function I've written:

    CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnSpotsInvalidCharacters (@StringToValidate VARCHAR(1000))




    DECLARE @StringToReturn VARCHAR(1000)

    DECLARE @StringToFind VARCHAR(100)

    DECLARE @StringToValidateLength INT

    DECLARE @StringPosition INT

    DECLARE @TestStringLength INT



    SET @StringToValidate = RTRIM(LTRIM(@StringToValidate))

    SET @StringToValidateLength = LEN(@StringToValidate)

    SET @StringPosition = 1

    SET @StringToFind = ''

    SET @StringToReturn = @StringToValidate

    SET @Counter = 0

    SELECT @ItemsToCount = COUNT(*)

    FROM OdysseyNH.dbo.SpotscInvalidCharacters

    WHERE InvalidCharacterAction = 'D'

    SELECT TOP 1 @StringToFind = InvalidCharacter

    FROM OdysseyNH.dbo.SpotscInvalidCharacters

    WHERE InvalidCharacterAction = 'D'

    AND InvalidCharacter > @StringToFind



    WHILE @Counter < @ItemsToCount


    SET Counter = @Counter + 1

    SET @StringToReturn = REPLACE(@StringToReturn, @StringToFind, '')

    SELECT TOP 1 @StringToFind = InvalidCharacter

    FROM SpotscInvalidCharacters

    WHERE InvalidCharacterAction = 'D'

    AND InvalidCharacter > @StringToFind




    RETURN @StringToReturn


    This doesn't work. My first thought was that it was the single quote I was trying to drop, but it doesn't work for the exclamation point either. When I add the following statement

    SET @StringToReturn = @StringToFind

    I can see that it's finding the correct values to drop, but it just doesn't seem to be doing the replace, and I can't figure out why.

    I'm not wedded to this particular solution, so if anyone has any thoughts on how to do this differently, I'm all for it. But can anyone tell me why my code isn't working?



  • If I understand correctly you're just replacing the double quote ('') and ! correct? The replace function can be nested like this...

    update table

    set , '!', ''), '''','')


    charindex( '!', 0 and

    charindex( '''', 0

    If this is what I think you're looking for it's also a nice set based solution over an iterative solution.


  • Darn code block! It removed the "column name" parameter

    update table

    set {column name}, '!', ''), '''','')


    charindex( '!', {column name} ) > 0 and

    charindex( '''', {column name} ) 0

  • ok, 3rd time's a charm...

    update table

    set {column name} =

    replace( replace( {column name}, '!', ''), '''','')


    charindex( '!', {column name} ) > 0 and

    charindex( '''', {column name} ) > 0

  • SQLServerLifer (7/7/2008)

    ok, 3rd time's a charm...

    update table

    set {column name} =

    replace( replace( {column name}, '!', ''), '''','')


    charindex( '!', {column name} ) > 0 and

    charindex( '''', {column name} ) > 0

    Shouldn't the above WHERE clause use an OR? As in:

    UPDATE table

    SET {column name} = replace(replace({column_name}, '!', ''), '''', '')

    WHERE charindex('!', {column_name}) > 0

    OR charindex('''', {column_name}) > 0;

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  • Thanks for the responses, but I don't think they address the problem I'm trying to solve. I don't want to update a table, I want to modify a string based on a value I retrieve from a table. So while I happen to know that I'm trying to drop a single quote and an exclamation point, at a later date I could be removing a double quote and a question mark, simply by adding it to the invalid character table. Or does this solution do that, and I'm just being especially slow this morning?



  • I've figured it out. The table I was retrieving the value from has the InvalidCharacter field defined as char(5), because of other uses of the table. Apparently moving a char(5) value into a varchar(100) field (@StringToFind, and it's defined as way too big), and then using it in a REPLACE statement means it fails the 'does it equal to replace' test. By changing my select statement to the following, it passes the test, and does the replace.

    SELECT TOP 1 @StringToFind = CAST(InvalidCharacter AS CHAR(1))

    FROM OdysseyNH.dbo.SpotscInvalidCharacters

    WHERE InvalidCharacterAction = 'D'

    AND InvalidCharacter > @StringToFind



    This works because I'm only looking to drop a single character.


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