starting a job on another server?

  • i've tried having one job start another

    job on a different server but

    i'm having some trouble with it, and wondering if

    there was another way i can do this?

    seems like it would be a simple script but i'm

    not familiar with it. does any one know another

    way this can be accomplished without using a

    dts package to do it?

    thanks in advance.


  • I didn't look at the link but here's how I do it :

    EXEC [LinkedServerName].msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @job_name = 'UpdateDeveloppementDatabase - Documentation'


    If tat doesn't work can you specify the errors you are getting?

  • thanks for the reply.

    well... i can 'can' do it this way, but

    i would have to create, execute the job, then

    remove the linked server as we do not presently

    allow the 2 servers to be linked.

    step 1: sp_addlinkedserver

    step 2: exec job via [linkedServername].msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @job_name = 'myjob'

    step 3: remove linked server

    thought that was a bit much, but i can do it that way if i need.

    is there no other way?


  • Tried the same openrowset/openquery (the one which doesn't required a live linked server)?

  • You can start the job on the other server using the OSQL command within an Operating System command (CmdExec) job step or using XP_CMDSHELL.



  • Ya that's the solution he can't make work from the link... Got any working sample you an provide?

  • Since he did not provide the actual code that he was having trouble with, or the error he was getting, it is a little hard to provide help.

    "Damn it Jim, I not a mind reader!"

    This code works OK for me.


    -- Start_Job_on_Remote_Server.sql
    declare @retcode int
    declare @job_name varchar(300)
    declare @server_name varchar(200)
    declare @query  varchar(8000)
    declare @cmd  varchar(8000)
    set @job_name	= 'My Test Job'
    set @server_name	= 'MyRemoteServer'
    set @query	= 'exec msdb.dbo.sp_start_job @job_name = ''' + @job_name + '''' 
    set @cmd	= 'osql -E -S ' + @server_name + ' -Q "' + @query + '"'
    print ' @job_name = ' +isnull(@job_name,'NULL @job_name')
    print ' @server_name = ' +isnull(@server_name,'NULL @server_name')
    print ' @query = ' +isnull(@query,'NULL @query')
    print ' @cmd = '  +isnull(@cmd,'NULL @cmd')
    exec @retcode = master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmd
    if @retcode <> 0 or @retcode is null
    	print 'xp_cmdshell @retcode = '+isnull(convert(varchar(20),@retcode),'NULL @retcode')
  • You can also create a dts package to start the job..

    Use EXEC SQL TASK to execute the job...

    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

  • grasshopper,

    your stuff worked G R E A T!!

    thanks for the post!


  • Lol, his name is

    Michael Valentine Jones

    Grasshoper is linked to the number of messages he posted .

  • oops...

    ok then; thanks alot MVJ!


  • You're welcome, Veteran!


  • LOL.

  • the downside of the proposed proc is that it will start the job, even if it has been disabled !!!

    Maybe it's better to implement an alert to start the job, so the connection osql-user does not need to be the job-owner or have sa-authority !

    Keep in mind you'll have to stop/start sqlagent when you enable a first alert.

    declare @retcode int
    declare @server_name varchar(200)
    declare @query  varchar(8000)
    declare @cmd  varchar(8000)
    set @server_name	= 'MyRemoteServer'
    set @query	= 'raiserror (yourpredifinederrornumber,10,1) with log' 
    set @cmd	= 'osql -E -S ' + @server_name + ' -Q "' + @query + '"'
    print ' @job_name = ' +isnull(@job_name,'NULL @job_name')
    print ' @server_name = ' +isnull(@server_name,'NULL @server_name')
    print ' @query = ' +isnull(@query,'NULL @query')
    print ' @cmd = '  +isnull(@cmd,'NULL @cmd')
    exec @retcode = master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmd
    if @retcode <> 0 or @retcode is null
    	print 'xp_cmdshell @retcode = '+isnull(convert(varchar(20),@retcode),'NULL @retcode')



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  • Thanx for that routine as it works great :w00t:

    I realize that I may be stretching this, but would it be possible to modify this, so that the job step on the originating server WAITS for the job on the distant server to complete with SUCCESS/FAILURE?

    Best regards,


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