call a SQL Server User Defined Function from Access query

  • Hi,

    can I call a UDF (Scalar-valued function) from Access2007 in a query window? I know it works with Stored Procedures, but how about UDF?

    EXEC dbo.udf_GetStuff 44, 22


    ________Panta rhei

  • solution found:-)

    SELECT dbo.udf_GetStuff (44, 22) AS retVal

    ________Panta rhei

  • What does dbo represent in the example you're using?

  • Hi,

    dbo is the schema owner, as all objects in SQL Server are owned by a schema (dbo = database owner). It's the usual syntax for every object in SQL Server, more info you find in BOL.

    Btw, the query didn't run with

    SELECT dbo.udf_GetStuff (44, 22) AS retVal

    and I don't know whats the issue.

    What I really needed was a VBA solution which works this way:

    Public Function fctRunUDF_GetStuff(ByVal inlng_arIdnr As Long _

    , ByVal lngSKey As long _

    ) As Currency


    ' calling a SQL Server UDF (User defined function) from Access VBA



    Dim currDB As DAO.Database

    Dim strSQL As String

    Dim varReturn As Variant

    Const cstrODBC as string = "ODBC;DSN=hubba;Description=hubba;UID=Administrator;DATABASE=hubba;Trusted_Connection=Yes"

    Set currDB = CurrentDb()

    strSQL = "SELECT dbo.udf_GetStuff (44, 22) AS retVal"

    With currDB.CreateQueryDef("", strSQL)

    .Connect = cstrODBC

    varReturn = .OpenRecordset.Fields(0)

    End With

    fctRunUDF_GetStuff = varReturn


    Set currDB = Nothing

    and it works:-)

    ________Panta rhei

  • if dbo is the schema owner, I don't think in Access you can call the udf_GetStuff function using the syntax


  • hey grovelli-262555

    look at the VBA-code, it works! I develop on SQL SERVER with an account at Windows Security with admin rights.


    SELECT dbo.udf_GetStuff (44, 22) AS retVal

    inside an Access query (in SQL view) doesn't work, but I don't care cause VBA is what I needed 😎

    ________Panta rhei

  • In the VBA procedure, I would try:

    strSQL = "SELECT dbo.udf_GetStuff (44, 22)"


    varReturn = .OpenRecordset.GetRows

    And finally retrieve the value returned by the udf from varReturn(0, 0).

  • Thanks Candide, in your VBA procedure you have the line:

    strSQL = "SELECT dbo.udf_GetStuff (44, 22) AS retVal"

    What's the code behind udf_GetStuff?

    By the way, why isn't the hexadecimal colour code accepted?

  • Hi,


    here's a simple code example to add 2 values:

    USE [Test01]


    /****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[udf_GetStuff] Script Date: 06/19/2013 09:54:19 ******/





    -- =============================================

    -- Author: its me

    -- Create date: 2013-06-19

    -- Description: add 2 values

    -- =============================================

    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[udf_GetStuff]


    -- Add the parameters for the function here

    @p1 int = 0

    , @p2 int = 0


    RETURNS int



    -- Declare the return variable here

    DECLARE @Result int

    -- Add the T-SQL statements to compute the return value here

    SET @Result = @p1 + @p2

    -- Return the result of the function

    RETURN @Result


    Call the udf in SSMS:

    DECLARE @RET int

    EXEC @RET = dbo.udf_GetStuff 44, 22

    Select 'Sum= ', @RET


    varReturn = .OpenRecordset.GetRows

    is really an improvement because returning a Table Valued UDF returning a table can be handled. thanx for this hint:-)

    ________Panta rhei

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