Backing out of SP4

  • I am running SQL Server 2000 SP3a in production. If I apply SP4 can I go back to SP3a if there are problems by reinstalling SQL Server 2000 SP3a or do the databases change structure and I can not go back.


  • You cannot back-out of SP4. You would have to re-install SQL Server from scratch, and then apply SP3.

  • I understand that I will need to re-install, but will there be any problem with the databases after the re-install. Is there a database conversion from sp3a to SP4 as there is between SQL Server 2000 to 2005.

  • In the master and msdb database some stored procedures and functions are added and some are changed. You're user databases won't change. One special case might be if you use replication, because replication creates some extra system objects in user databases, but I can't remember if SP4 has any impact on those. SP3 had quite a lot of replication related changes though.

    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • As stated above the changes wont let you go back and the user databases should not be affected. Just make sure you have some good current backups...then worst case you can reinstall, restore and not lose any data. IF you have a test box try it there but from my memory as well going from SP3 to SP4 the modification were all on the system side and very little effect on user db's

    Good Luck


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