Script to check status of database and mail to dba

  • Hello

    I would like to know a script to check if the database is running or not and mail it to the dba mail box.



  • One way I have done this is to check the status of the server by issueing a command like:

    xp_cmdshell 'sc \\yourservername query mssqlserver'

    You could then input the results into a table and absed on the result issue a xp_sendmail command.

  • Thanks for the command.

    Can you let me know , how to write the command for xp_sendmail.


  • Here is an example:

    IF EXISTS  (

       SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE value LIKE value  &nbsp


    EXEC master..xp_sendmail @recipients = 'email_address',

        @message = 'email message',

        @copy_recipients = 'other_email',

        @subject = 'Subject Title'



  • If checking for DB status, you may want to go that way:


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