Rename SQL Server

  • I am receiving the following error when I attempt to rename my SQL server (2000)

    Server: Msg 20582, Level 16, State 1, Procedure sp_MSrepl_check_server, Line 39

    Cannot drop server 'SQLSERVERName' because it is used as a Publisher in replication.

    This server is not used as a Publisher in replication.

    It might have been at one time in the past, however replication is not turned on and there are no other indications that replication is occuring on this server. 

    Thanks for your help


  • I recently changed the computername of a machine running SQL Server 2000. The end efffect of this (amongst probably others that I don't know of) was that all SQL Server Agent jobs could no longer be modified. After a bit of looking around on I found the solution which consisted of:

    1. setting the computername to its original value

    2. unloading and deleting all the jobs

    3. changing the computername to the desired value

    4. reloading all the jobs

    As suggested, there may be other side effects in chaning the computername. So beware.

  • You can rename the server, but not the SQL Server Instance.  see KB;en-us;Q257716

    SCROLL TO #29

    You may have omitted the sp_dropserver and sp_addserver.


  • Thanks for your help, however I was already aware of these articles and omitted no steps.

    The problem is the stored proc sp_MSrepl_check_server that is run is finding entries in msdb.dbo.MSdistpublishers and msdb.dbo.MSdistributiondbs tables for a non-existent replication database.

    I am assuming that my predecessor used an improper method to remove replication from this server.

    I am going to try removing the entries from the above tables and then will attempt to rename the server this weekend (during maint time)

    Thanks again

  • Try setting up replication and dropping it again.  I know back in 7.0 I would have to do that to get things cleared up correctly.  Haven't had to in 2000.


  • Have you tried running the stored procedures for removing replication?

    this will be cleaner than deleting the entries from the

    "dbo.MSpublications" table, since there are other entries involved. 

  • Thanks for the quick response.

    Running sp_helpdistpublisher I get no results

    Running sp_get_distributor I get installed=0, no distribution

    running sp_helpdistributor I get null results

    My main problem is  I don't know what database replication was set up for in the past.

    There are no publications listed anywhere in the system. 

    Also this SQL server has been moved to another Windows 2003 Server so I do not have the original hardware either.

    Is there any way I can identify which database was previously used in replication? or the publication name?






  • use




    * from dbo.MSpublications

  • There is no distribution database on the server.


  • I spoke too soon.

    The distribution database was detached

    I have reattached it and am running the query now.


  • Ok after running

    use distribution



    * from dbo.MSpublications

    I get no rows returned.


  • I tried to set up replication on the server in order to then disable it to see if this would resolve my issue.

    I received an error when I clicked Finish on the replication, however now there are no entries in msdb.dbo.MSdistpublishers  or msdb.dbo.MSdistributiondbs

    I hope this has cleared my problem.  I cannot attempt to rename the server until this weekend.

    Thanks everyone for your help


  • I wanted to let everyone know that I was able to rename the SQL server this past weekend.

    By attempting to set up replication on the SQL 2000 server, I was able to clear the erroneous replication settings.  This allowed me to successrully rename the server and all of my related issues are now resolved.

    Thanks again for your great help!


  • I had the same problem after renaming my server, I couldn't drop it... the solution was to rename it back, drop all existing Replications, Maintenance Plans and Jobs, then you can name it what ever you want with being able to use SP_DropServer and SP_AddServer

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