Scheduled jobs started hanging?

  • I have about 45 jobs (on SS2k sp3 on a Windows 2003 sp1) that run each night and have done so for over a year without problems. All of the suddent, the jobs began hanging. So each night, some jobs will complete, but after a while some will hang, more will hang, and eventually all jobs will just be "waiting for a thread". The jobs run between 7:30pm and 11:00pm, each starting a few minutes after the previous.

    I applied SS12K sp4, but same thing happened. Then I installed hotfixes up through build 2187, thinking that would fix it, but it did not. I've built a second SQL server running sp3 only, trying to go back to a fresh environment, but it still happens. Note that on the new server, I transferred the dts jobs via a DTS task as oppossed to building them from scratch.

    The jobs that hang either don't start at all or completely finish importing data. Can anyone shed light on this problem? or how I should troubleshoot?  I'm at the end of my rope.

    The jobs pull from a Progress database into the SQL Server database. Thanks.



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  • Is there a particular place where they are hanging? Can you add some debug code?

    It sounds like something in the communication channel is getting lost. Any data access updates to either box? (source or dest)

  • Although I don't have a perfect answer to this but I would certainly try out the following things

    1) Try to find the first job which hangs in your new env which you have set with sp3.

    2) Reschedule the package run to provide enough gap between each job for testing purpose.

    3) If any issue found in a particular job then disable it & run the others if not interdependent. If others run ok then work on the package which created the issue.

    4) Check the log files and the locks.

    What my assumptions of this issue is that there is some event which might have got activated recently and is creating the issue. For eg: do something if the date is greater than Oct-2006.

    The above steps are not sequential you can try out as you feel better for your purpose.

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