@@ROWCOUNT in StoredProc returns 1, in VBA returns -1

  • hello,

    this strange behaviour I can't explain:


    @ParCRUD_Typ AS int = 0

    , @ParPRINTER_NAME_OLD AS nvarchar(100) = NULL

    , @ParPRINTER_NAME AS nvarchar(100) = NULL

    , @ParSYSDRUCKER AS nvarchar(50) = NULL

    , @ParDSServer AS nvarchar(50) = NULL

    , @ParDSDatenbank AS nvarchar(50) = NULL

    , @ParDSTabelle AS nvarchar(50) = NULL

    , @ParAppEnv AS int = 0

    DECLARE @NumberDeletedRows AS int = 0

    DECLARE @CountRows AS int = 0

    -- part 1 DELETE

    EXECUTE @NumberDeletedRows = dbo.sp3_CLEAR @ParPRINTER_NAME_OLD, @ParAppEnv

    --SELECT @NumberDeletedRows ...




    -- part 2 INSERT

    EXECUTE dbo.sp2_INSERT 0


    , NULL

    , @ParDSServer

    , @ParDSDatenbank

    , @ParDSTabelle

    SET @CountRows = @@ROWCOUNT

    Return @CountRows

    I executed the StoredProc in SSMS, the Return Value: 1 is OK! The sp2_Insert is done correctly.

    And the @NumberDeletedRows has the correct value. But this style doesn't work in part2 for the INSERT.

    Now to the Access-VBA:

    Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection

    Set cmd = New ADODB.Command

    Call sSQLServerVerbinden(cnn, 3, gstrDatenbank)

    Set cmd.ActiveConnection = cnn

    cmd.CommandText = "sp1_UPDATE"

    cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc

    Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("CRUD_Typ", adInteger, adParamInput, , mcintCRUD_Type)

    cmd.Parameters.Append prm

    Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("PRINTER_NAME_OLD", adVarWChar, adParamInput, 100, INstrPRTNameOLD)

    cmd.Parameters.Append prm

    Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("PRINTER_NAME", adVarWChar, adParamInput, 100, INstrPRTNameLang)

    cmd.Parameters.Append prm

    Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("SYSDRUCKER", adVarWChar, adParamInput, 50, INstrSYSDRUCKER)

    cmd.Parameters.Append prm

    Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("DSServer", adVarWChar, adParamInput, 50, instrDSServer)

    cmd.Parameters.Append prm

    Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("DSDatenbank", adVarWChar, adParamInput, 50, instrDSDatenbank)

    cmd.Parameters.Append prm

    Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("DSTabelle", adVarWChar, adParamInput, 50, instrDSTabelle)

    cmd.Parameters.Append prm

    Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("APPENV", adInteger, adParamInput, , glngAPP_ENVIRONMENT)

    cmd.Parameters.Append prm

    cmd.Execute RecordsAffected:=lngReturnRowsAffected, Options:=adExecuteNoRecords

    When I call this function in VBA it never returns 1 like in SSMS. It returns for lngReturnRowsAffected the value -1,

    nevertheless the INSERT is done correctly. I checked the parameters more than once they are defined correctly.

    Also tried

    Return @@ROWCOUNT

    instead of

    SET @CountRows = @@ROWCOUNT

    Return @CountRows

    I'm stuck. Whats the way to return the @@ROWCOUNT from the EXEC command in VBA?

    ________Panta rhei

  • for me it's essential to know this behaviour:

    ' Access Developer Handbook Vol. 2 S. 265:

    ' 1.

    ' If you use the SET NOCOUNT ON statement within a SQL Server StoredProc,

    ' RecordsAffected will be set to -1 if the procedure succeeded and 0 if it did not


    ' 2.

    ' Under certain conditions, RecordsAffected can report a spurious number. This might happen, for example,

    ' if the query or stored procedure causes a trigger to be executed or a stored procedure includes multiple SQL statements!!!

    The solution is to use OUTPUT parameter(s):

    in the SP:






    , NULL

    , @ParDSServer

    , @ParDSDatenbank

    , @ParDSTabelle

    in VBA add these lines:

    Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("NumberRowsINSERTED", adInteger, adParamOutput)

    cmd.Parameters.Append prm

    cmd.Execute RecordsAffected:=lngReturnRowsAffected, Options:=adExecuteNoRecords

    ' Attention:

    ' as the StoredProc uses multiple SQL statements, the value of lngReturnRowsAffected is -1 (SP succeeded)

    ' => so use the OUTPUT parameter!

    'fctINS = lngReturnRowsAffected

    fctINS = cmd.Parameters("NumberRowsINSERTED")

    I'm still learning...:cool:

    ________Panta rhei

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