text datatype problem

  • Hi, I am using a text datatype in one of my tables.

    The problem is that i can retrieve only a part of the value in the column.

    I use a stored procedure to retrieve the data.

    Earlier I just did a select textcolumn from tablename.

    That did not work.

    So I changed the stored proc to

    Set textsize 64512

    select textcolumn from tablename

    set textsize 0

    again that did not retrieve all data

    I am currently using


    set textsize 64512

    DECLARE @ptrval varbinary(16)

    DECLARE @length int

    SELECT @ptrval = TEXTPTR(payload),@length=DATALENGTH(payload)

    FROM [tMessagePayload]


    [MessageId] = @MessageId

    READTEXT tMessagePayload.payload @ptrval 0 @length


    @messageid is the key value for which the text is required.

    When I run the stored proc in Query Analyser, I get the entire text.

    However in the ASP where I call the stored proc, I get only a part of the value in the text column.

    The asp code that calls the sp uses the command object.


    strSQL = "stored procedure name"

    objCn.Open g_strConnectionString

    With objCmd

    .Commandtext = strSQL

    .Commandtype = adCmdStoredProc

    Set .ActiveConnection = objCn

    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("RETURN_VALUE", adInteger, adParamReturnValue, 0)

    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("MessageId", adInteger, adParamInput, 4, m_intMessageId)

    End With

    Set objRs = objCmd.Execute

    If objRs.EOF then

    m_strErrDesc = "Message Incomplete. Please Contact Admin. MessageId : " & m_intMessageId


    Response.write( objRs(0))

    End If


    Any help would be appreciated.



  • There is a bug that the text columns have to be the last columns in the query returned. For ASP/ADO.

    Steve Jones


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