selecting rows that match alpha-numerically

  • Greetings.

    This is not the first place I have asked this question, but I am not quite there yet, so I need to ask here also.

    I am porting an Oracle query to ms sql server 7/2000.

    The query selects rows that match a value if the column has only alpha-numerics (i.e. punctuation, etc. is removed).

    In Oracle this can be achieved using a translate function.

    Any thoughts on doing in for ms sql 7.0?

    I tried the replace, but I did not know how to replace single quotes since they are delimeters in the replace function (and it looked a bit complex/big).

    If I have a table with a single column containing:




    Then the select on 'ABC123' would return the rows:



    Thanks for any assistance,


  • Other than replace I know of nothing. As for ' use '' to replace, REPLACE(col,'''','') will do the trick. Also just so I fully understand can you explain how translate works. I don't have a good reference here on it. Maybe there is something I haven't thought of.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

  • OK, thanks for the 'replace' tutorial.

    Translate .. well here is an Oracle blurb, but first my overview.. argument is three strings. First string is data of interest.

    Second is a list of characters and third is a list of characters to translate or replace those in the second parameter with. So

    select translate('hey - you',' -','$') from table would give you 'hey$$you' for each row in the table.. the dash got yanked (no replacement in its position in the third string) and the space got replaced by the dollar sign.

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