Question about Rollup

  • I have this select statement:

    SELECT termnum,username,page,count(page) from trackagent where datehit between '1/1/02' AND '8/1/02' AND termnum <> '' AND termnum <> '373' group by termnum,username,page WITH ROLLUP

    When I run that piece of code through the query analyzer, it runs and when I look at the result sets. For each termnum I have, I get 2 subtotals. One with the termnum and one that has a null before continuing on with the next terminal number.

    Is that the way its supposed to work? I thought you should get 1 subtotal per termnum not 2 with the exception of the last one when it does the grand total.


  • What you are getting is a subtotal first for each page within a specific termnum and username, then another sub_total for a each username, and finally a grand total for all pages selected. Therefore if each termnum only has a single username it will seem like you get two subtotals. If you have multiple usernames then it might look a little different.

    Basically you get a subtotal for each item you group by.

    Here is a query against the pubs database that might help understand why you get multple subtotals. Hope this helps.....

    use pubs


    -- note the two different sub-total amounts for title_id PS2091

    -- where title_id 'BU1032' has the same amount

    select title_id, ord_date,payterms, sum(qty)

    from sales

    where title_id = 'PS2091' or title_id = 'BU1032'

    group by title_id, ord_date, payterms

    with rollup


    Gregory Larsen, DBA

    If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

  • Keep in mind you have three fields and a count column. I would expect to see something like this at minimum if the termnum was unique and only had one username returning

    termnum, username, page, count(page)

    termnum, username, null, count(page)=subtotal page

    termnum, null, null, count(page)=subtotal username, page


    termnum, username, page, count(page)

    termnum, username, null, count(page)=subtotal page

    termnum, null, null, count(page)=subtotal username, page


    null, null, null, count(page)=grandtotal

    This is show each termnum, with only one username returned and only one page for that user returned.

    However I don't have a test server at home right now so my visual from memory may be wrong.

    What does your result set look like?

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

    Edited by - antares686 on 08/29/2002 3:13:45 PM

  • Well my result set looks like this:









    hmm I see whats going on now. Termnum is unique but I could have multiple username's. So its calculating the totals for that particular username as well as a total of all usernames under that termnum then of course the grandtotals of everything at the end.

    hmm so its going to be impossible to just get it to have 1 subtotal after each termnum using rollup since I need all my fields in my group by. Though I wager using rollup is probably still more effient than looping through and calculating it myself.


  • You might could query out the rest by either doing the as a subquery or as part of the query.

    WHERE (termnum IS NOT NULL AND username IS NOT NULL AND page IS NOT NULL) OR (termnum IS NULL AND username IS NULL AND page IS NULL)

    That should keep all except base positions and grand total. Or maybe

    SELECT termnum, username, page, count(page) total FROM ......... GROUP BY termnum, username, page


    SELECT NULL, NULL, NULL, count(page) total FROM .........

    Should give same unless I typoed or made a logic error.

    "Don't roll your eyes at me. I will tape them in place." (Teacher on Boston Public)

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