Cannot create publication on SQL2000

  • I've recently installed new servers using Win2000 and SQL2000. In attempting

    to create a publication for replication I get the following error:

    Error 18483: Could not connect to server 'X' because 'distributor_admin' is

    not defined as a remote login at the server.

    I have another server on which I upgraded from SQL7 and it has a login

    'distributor_admin' but the new install servers do not. I have executed the


    exec sp_adddistributor @distributor = N'X', @password = N''


    but get the above error with a ref to 'Procedure sp_adddistributor, Line

    130' where it failed. When I look in the procedure it appears that it should

    create the login 'distributor_admin' but it fails.

    Any help appreciated.


  • Can you give the details on how you are connecting to the SQL Agent.

  • I am sorry, I mean How you are starting the SQL Agent services.

  • quote:

    I am sorry, I mean How you are starting the SQL Agent services.

    SQLServer and SQL Agent start at bootup using a login that has full privilages.

    I had no problem with Replication on the previous server using NT/SQL7; after installing SQL2000 on the new server I attached all the databases I had detached from the previous version.

    I have since hacked the 'distributor_admin' login from the upgraded server into the logins of the new server but still get the same error when I attempt to set up a publication.



  • Just to make sure can you double check if the user with which you are trying to start the SQL Agent services is in the local Admin group.

  • If you haven't done so already, run the "Configure Publishing, Subscribers, and Distribution..." wizard in EM for your database. This will ensure that everything is configured correctly, including the user account for SQL Agent.


    Jay Madren

  • Again appreciate the response.

    Mkumari - The SQL Agent login is in the local Admin group.

    jmadren - I've tried both the "Configure Publishing, Subscribers, and Distribution..." wizard and "Create and Manage Publications..." with the exact same results; the 18483 error.


  • In continuing to troubleshoot this problem I came upon the Remote Servers tab under Security in EM which had an entry. I deleted that entry and was warned that a remote server was attached. I found the connected server and deleted that.

    Then when I ran the 'Configure' on the Replication tab in server properties I received an error that said the 'current server name' couldn't connect to the 'old server name' We renamed the server as the SQL7 box was still active while we were building the new W2K box.

    I found an instruction on to run

    sp_dropserver 'oldservername'

    sp_addserver 'newservername'

    after a server rename.

    I did that but then received the error 14114: '(NULL)' is not configured as a distributor. When I again attempted to configure for replication. However MS Knowledgebase 302223 describes the fix for that and I am now up and replicating.

    Thanks for all who commented.


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