self joins with my required output as shown below

  • Hi

    my table (sree)is having the fallowing schema

    with sample data as given below

    fldid date value1 value2 item

    1 12/12/2003 10 20 id1

    2 12/13/2003 30 40 id3

    now write a query to display in this manner

    date value1 value2

    12/12/2003 10 20

    query --- select date,value1,Value2 from sree where date=12/12/2003

    date value1 value2

    12/13/2003 30 40

    query --- select date,value1,Value2 from sree where date=12/13/2003

    now if u write 2 sqls using unions..etc get

    in two rows

    but i want u to write only one sql so that u display in one row in this manner

    value1 value2 value1 value2

    10 20 30 40

    both sql conditions should be specfied in one sql only

    Can any one solve?

  • It can be solved. Usually this type of item means a ivot table. The question is it however th values relate. Is it related on item and does item have a fixed number of possiblites or is it impossible to know for sure? There has to be some relation that will make sense in order to build a query that will work beyond just this once.

    If is however just this once then


    SUM(case fldid when 1 then value1 else 0 end) value11,

    SUM(case fldid when 1 then value2 else 0 end) value21,

    SUM(case fldid when 2 then value1 else 0 end) value12,

    SUM(case fldid when 2 then value2 else 0 end) value22

    from sree

    as I don't see date in the output this will do it in a single query.

  • Try this:

    SELECT A.value1,A.value2,B.value1,B.value2 FROM

    sree A


    sree B

    WHERE A.[date] = '2003-12-12' AND B.[date] = '2003-12-13'

    'date' is a reserved T-SQL keyword hence it is good practice to use []

    Using 'datetime' constants at run time could be a problem in the burgeoning. A date string that works for the date formats expected by one language may be unrecognizable if the query is executed by a connection using a different language and date format setting.

    H. Lindgren

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