Net-Library error 10060: ConnectionOpen (PreLoginH

  • I get the below error when BCPing into a report table the size of the input file is about 32 mb

    DB-Library: Unable to connect: SQL Server is unavailable or does not exist. General network error. Check your documentation.

    Net-Library error 10060: ConnectionOpen (PreLoginHandshake()).

    I found the meaing of this error on

    Error number


    Error/Error severity



    Call bcp_columns before bcp_colfmt.

    I applied a workaround found on the web, which was to add a SQL Server alias in SQL Server network utility forcing SQL Server to use TCP/IP. I ran the BCP again and it worked. i am continuing to test this though.

    Is this the fix ?

    Any ideas ???


    Microsoft SQL Server 2000 - 8.00.534 (Intel X86)

    Windows 2k Service Pack 3)

  • Possibly. When you run the Client Network Utility (cliconfg.exe), is Named Pipes listed higher than TCP/IP?

    K. Brian Kelley

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • no its not, unless it was highter before i added the alias...

    i'm on my 3rd time testing and error has not returned, although i'm not 100% happy with the workaround.

  • Is the server on a different network? ie thru firewall. I have to change clients here that access SQL the other side of a firewall.

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Nope, I ran the bcp on the machine...

  • Can you post the string you are using to make the connection. Could be something simple. Also, when you specify the server it may work better to use as the TCP/IP address so the packets stay on the local machine. Might also try using the (local) reference as the name of the machine. But I am thinking you have some other circumstance here that needs addressing. Also, walk us thru the testing you have done.

  • The process is an upgrade proccess

    One batch file calls numerous other batch files to upgrade a database

    set userid=SA

    set password=password

    set servername=servername

    set dbname=dbname

    these parameters are passed to the other batch files to complete the upgrade as in

    isql -U %userid% -P %password% -S %servername% -d %dbname% -c; -n -i rebuild_reports.sql -o rebuild_reports.log

    The BCP file is loaded into a tempdb table

    bcp tempdb.dbo.reports in ..\data\reports_out.txt -c -U %userid% -P %password% -S %servername%

  • Just out of curiosity but have to you tried creating a staging DB and doing to there to see if issue continues. I would be a bit concerned with pushing into tempDB and have never tried. And do you have Windows accounts set up that you could test using a trusted account as opposed to a SQL Login? I remember seeing this happen to us with our test box about a year or so ago but unfortunately the person who had the documentation left with it.

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