Are ALL updates passed to the subscriber.

  • I am using transactional replication on a couple of tables. The data locally is imported to a temp table, new rows are inserted, old ones are deleted and existing ones are updated on the replicated table.

    At the minute I am doing a simple update via a primary key comparision on the columns of each row that contain variable data (stock levels, pricing). This data is imported locally every 5 minutes.

    My question is this;

    If the update on a row results in no change to the data (ie the imported temp table still has the same data as the 5 minute old local table) will the update still be interpreted by the log reader as a transaction that needs to be sent to the subscriber..?

    I am attempting to reduce the traffic between the two and this seemed like a good place to start!



  • I think it will see those records as updates, since the replication triggers fire when the data gets over written from the temp table to the replicated table even though there is no change in the date.

  • Have no re-written the update scripts and split the one update query into single update queries for each column that can/will change in the DTS task.

    It has cut down on the transactions greatly.



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