Need help with the logic - New at sql query

  • Please help!!!!! Confused and not sure how to write the code

    An invoice was issued from 1/15/2002 through 3/9/2002.

    I need to calculate number of days for each month and display final results as:

    Inv# Jan02 Feb02 Mar02 Apr02

    198 15 28 9 0

    Do I need to use cursor in my logic?

    As the same time would like to know in which months this invoice appeared.

    Inv# Jan02 Feb02 Mar02 Apr02

    198 1 1 1 0

  • Please post the structure of your Invoice will help in determining the sql for your problem...


  • Table structure

    Create Table #FB_Totals (Year char(4),Client# varchar(6),Invoice varchar(20),Jan dec(9,2),Feb dec(9,2),Mar dec(9,2),Apr dec(9,2),May dec(9,2),Jun dec(9,2),Jul dec(9,2),Aug dec(9,2),Sep dec(9,2),Oct dec(9,2),Nov dec(9,2),

    Dec dec(9,2))

    Output should be as follows for TotalDays

    2002,123456,Days,15 , 28, 9, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

    Output should be as follows for Totalinvoices

    2002,123456,Totals ,1 , 1, 1, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0

    2002,1245676,Totals ,0 , 10, 15, 0,0,0,0,20,0,0,0,0

  • This is a utility that I use to help with dates.

    Basically I create a temp table...

    create table #dateBuilder (date datetime, monthID int, month varchar(25),...

    Then insert into the temp table:

    insert into #DateBuilder

    exec usp_functions_DateBuilder @startDate = '1/1/2003', @numberofDays=365

    From there you could do all sorts of group by's and where clauses.

    It might help...

    create procedure usp_functions_DateBuilder

    @StartDate datetime = null,

    @numberOfDays int = 365,

    @isOnlyWeekdays int = 0


    if @startDate is null


    set @startDate = getDate()


    set @startDate = convert(varchar,month(@startDate)) + '/' + convert(varchar,day(@startDate)) + '/' + convert(varchar,year(@startDate))

    select a.ones + b.tens + c.hundreds + d.thousands id, dateadd(dd, a.ones + b.tens + c.hundreds + d.thousands, @startDate) as [Date],

    datepart(m,dateadd(dd, a.ones + b.tens + c.hundreds, @startDate)) as [monthid],

    datename(m,dateadd(dd, a.ones + b.tens + c.hundreds, @startDate)) as [month],

    datepart(dw,dateadd(dd, a.ones + b.tens + c.hundreds, @startDate)) as [dayOfWeekid],

    datename(dw,dateadd(dd, a.ones + b.tens + c.hundreds, @startDate)) as [dayOfWeek],

    datename(q,dateadd(dd, a.ones + b.tens + c.hundreds, @startDate)) as [quarter],

    datename(dy,dateadd(dd, a.ones + b.tens + c.hundreds, @startDate)) as [dayOfYear],

    datename(wk,dateadd(dd, a.ones + b.tens + c.hundreds, @startDate)) as [Week]


    (select 0 as ones UNION select 1 UNION select 2 UNION select 3 UNION select 4 UNION select 5 UNION select 6 UNION select 7 UNION select 8 UNION select 9 ) as a

    join (select 0 as tens UNION select 10 UNION select 20 UNION select 30 UNION select 40 UNION select 50 UNION select 60 UNION select 70 UNION select 80 UNION select 90) as b on 1=1

    join (select 0 as hundreds UNION select 100 UNION select 200 UNION select 300 UNION select 400 UNION select 500 UNION select 600 UNION select 700 UNION select 800 UNION select 900) as c on 1=1

    join (select 0 as thousands UNION select 1000 UNION select 2000 UNION select 3000) as d on 1=1

    where @numberOfDays > (a.ones + b.tens + c.hundreds + d.thousands)


    'Saturday' != case when @isOnlyWeekDays = 1 then datename(dw,dateadd(dd, a.ones + b.tens + c.hundreds + d.thousands, @startDate))

    else ''



    'Sunday' != case when @isOnlyWeekDays = 1 then datename(dw,dateadd(dd, a.ones + b.tens + c.hundreds + d.thousands, @startDate))

    else ''


    order by id

  • Thank you very much for your help.

    I tried to go couple grouping in the where clause, but for some reason the results were not as expected and the date span is from more than a month.

    An invoice was issued from 1/15/2002 through 3/9/2002."

    First created a temp table and inserted only ID and date from the sp provided.

    Secondly, tried to do calculate only for Jan2002 number of days by count(Date) from #datebuilder and was stuck.

    Can this be done without using cursor?

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