Favourite Tools?

  • Other than the tools that come out of the SQL Server box what other SQL tools do people use and what do they do?

    I would be interested in hearing what people consider a "must have" tool?

  • Must have tool? Caffeine, lots of it.

    But seriously, I make heavy use of Query Analyzer and Profiler, though these are the standard tools that come in the box. I can't do without 'em. Other than that, Performance Monitor and Excel when monitoring systems, though these aren't SQL tools. I also use NetMon when I'm trying to understand what's happening with a connection. I have a couple of friends who are absolutely in love with DBArtisan. I was also impressed by NetIQ's suite, though I couldn't get management to go for it.

    Grrr, can't believe I forgot it. SQLCompare from Red-Gate as well. It's been extremely helpful a couple of times.

    K. Brian Kelley


    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring


    Edited by - bkelley on 03/07/2003 03:09:09 AM

    K. Brian Kelley

  • Log Explorer from lumigent (www.lumigent.com) is really helpful to understand what is happening in your log, also as debug tool for developers.

    Great functions are those for recovery purpose.

    Have the chance to try Double-Take (www.nsisoftware.com/) for data replication.Great product.



  • Red-Gate has another product while not as useful as SQL Compare does make life easier with static tables. It is Data Compare. Also, while SQL QA is my editor of choice for sql, I use it in conjunction with UltraEdit. It is a super powerful text editor, allowing for some very quick editing of sql files. And it is CHEAP. http://www.ultraedit.com/ I am in no way associated with either product.

    Tim C.

    //Will write code for food

    Tim C //Will code for food

  • When my company develops internet applications we run a stress test tool against the site to see what sort of load the site will stand.

    Does anyone know of any stress test tools for SQL Server?

  • I would suggest from a backup standpoint give a look to SQLZip (http://www.sqlzip.com/) or SQLLiteSpeed (http://www.sqllitespeed.com/slsdefault.asp). The compressed backup so you can have local is great. And SQLLiteSpeed offers backup encryption.

    At this point if you want to review the Transaction Logs then as already suggested, LogExplorer is tops until a competing product comes out.

    Also, Brain Lockwood (whom you can catch running around here occasionally) has several apps. Some are geared toward developers and offer so decent templates to aid in RSD (Rapid SQL Developement). Plus some other interesting tools on his site (http://www.lockwoodtech.com/).

    Having this site at the top of your bookmarks plus add http://www.sql-server-performance.com are great tools to have.

    Also, in addition to RedGates SQLCompare check out SQLDiff by AdeptSQL (http://www.adeptsql.com/), it is a very good product as well.

    Edited by - antares686 on 03/10/2003 04:00:33 AM

  • You might want to take a look at Largo SQL Tools (http://www.largosqltools.com)

  • My favorite 3rd party tools, they are not cheap, but well worth $$:

    Data modeling -- Erwin

    Data Recovery -- Lumigent Log Explorer

    Performance Monitoring -- Netiq AppManager and Precise Indepth for SQL Server

    Data encryption -- XP_CRYPT (this one is cheap and easy to implement). http://www.activecrypt.com/

  • I used to be a big fan of Erwin, and Embarcadero, but here lately I have been using the Visio that comes with VS.Net architect edition, since I buy Visual Studio anyway, it just saves the company I work for that much more $, and lets me beg for other tools I like.

    Tim C.

    //Will write code for food

    Tim C //Will code for food

  • For data modeling I, too, use ErWin. Mainly because I didn't have to pay for it. I've also used Sybase's PowerDesigner in the past and found it quite good though lacking (at least at that time) in macro functionality.

    For data access, management... I use DBArtisan. Again, because I didn't have to pay for it. A less expensive version that I haven't used is RapidSQL. I rarely use Query Analyzer. Mainly because I like to use one tool and do a lot of Sybase work within DBArtisan already.

  • For data modeling I, too, use ErWin. Mainly because I didn't have to pay for it. I've also used Sybase's PowerDesigner in the past and found it quite good though lacking (at least at that time) in macro functionality.

    For data access, management... I use DBArtisan. Again, because I didn't have to pay for it. A less expensive version that I haven't used is RapidSQL. I rarely use Query Analyzer. Mainly because I like to use one tool and do a lot of Sybase work within DBArtisan already.

  • David, you were asking about a stress tool. Try database hammer, it's part of the SQL Server resource kit.

    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • I use Query Analyser(Extensively), EM(Extensively), Performance Monitor, DBArtisan (Extensively) and ERwin.



  • Tend to use what's installed only. EM, QA, Profiler, Perfmon.

    recently moved to Litespeed for backups.

    Steve Jones






    --SQL Compare - for comparing and synchronizing database structures.

    --SQL Data Compare - for comparing and synchronizing database contents

    --SQL Server Compare - for comparing DTS packages, logins and jobs on different SQL Servers.

    Visit http://www.red-gate.com/index.htm for FREE trial copies.



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