Error 7312

  • Hi

    I have a SQL task that runs every 5 minutes, excuting the following command


    SET INTVAR4 = 0

    FROM [dbname]..[tablename]DC

    INNER JOIN [dbname]..[tablename]TP

    on DC.WFInternalName = TP.WorkitemID

    -- will be separate server in Live but not in test

    INNER JOIN [servername2].[dbname].[dbname].[tablename] W

    on DC.WFInternalName = W.ID


    TP.Current_Step = 'Control' AND

    TP.LockTime IS NULL

    This task fails more often than it succeeds with the following error message.

    Executed as user: [Domain/Username]. Could not get the data of the row from the OLE DB provider

    'SQLOLEDB'. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 7346) [SQLSTATE 01000] (Error 7312). The step failed.

    Books on line and Knowledge base have proved to be less than helpful. KB has details or error 7312 only and then the closest article is HOW TO: Set Up and Troubleshoot a Linked Server to Oracle in SQL Server, but I am not using a server linked to Oracle.

    The task is running on a server that is linked to a second server using a remote login. I have tried running the task on the other server but then get the error

    Server: Msg 7411, Level 16, State 1, Line 1

    Server [Servername] is not configured for DATA ACCESS.

    Any suggestions or should I resign my self to the fact that the task will fail with alarming regularity?

    Edited by - exonjg on 09/02/2003 08:08:42 AM

    Edited by - exonjg on 09/04/2003 02:36:50 AM

  • Your query does join a table from linked server "BRSPPWS1". Please check the linked server setup (Security and Server Option) and ensure the user who you used has been mapped and permission to select data from that table.

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