SqlServerCentral.com... The Book?

  • I filled out a survey( i think?) not long ago asking if this was a good idea... I would love to buy a resource that has the articles and script contributions in a single Book/CD combo.

    Has anyone taken this idea any deeper yet?



    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • The book is (and has been) at the printer, as of last Friday they were due to ship to me this coming Friday. They've had some equipment problems that set us back a few weeks, if they ship on time we'll have an announcement up once they are here. This is the reason we didnt ask for payment up front, fear that something delay the process. Anyway, its about 60 articles from about 40 different authors. Check out this link for more info:




  • Shoot, I thought I had missed the book and I was waiting for the movie. Now you're telling me I will have to do more reading ? <grin>

    But seriously, I am eagerly waiting for the book to be released and will read it cover-to-cover.

  • I got my book! Thank you very much.

    One interesting thing I've noticed.

    I have printed several scripts, etc. for my own use over the past year. Guess what? Almost every single one of them is in the book. Now instead of having to go through several sheets of paper to find what I'm looking for, I can just go to the table of contents in the book.

    Thanks again.


  • Something to consider for future books (and I hope there will be more books)...

    It would have been nice to have each new article start at the top of a page. I can understand you probably did it this way for ease of publishing and to save money (less pages). It just would have been nicer with each one starting at the top.

    I know there has been talk about correcting typos, etc. How about this - have a button or link with each article (on the site) that will allow readers to input editorial comments, such as "I found a typo here"? That way they can be corrected on the site and you (SQLSERVERCENTRAL folks) don't have to do all the work. You can just correct what we point out to you as being errors/typos.



  • The typo thing is a good idea - will add to the growing list for items to look at in the next site iteration.

    You're right, it was ease of publishing and cost. Of the two, not that much harder for us to start new article on each page, but we really, really pushed to get the cost down. Alternative would have been a smaller font, but we thought it made it easier to read and that was a big thing to us. Still, we'll see how it winds up and definitely keep that suggestion in mind.

    One thing I see missing that I wish we had put in was a cross reference or index that showed the articles by author.



  • The cross-reference to authors isn't such a big deal to me. However, I am a 'nit-picker' when it comes to typos. I've thrown out books because of too many typos. (I won't be doing that to my Best of SQLServerCentral.com book).

    Every time I read something (not just here) I wish I had the ability to correct typos or at least 'point them out' to someone who can make the change. I'm glad you are going to look into that possibility.

    Maybe a button "I found a typo", which pops up a window where a reader can say what the typo is and what they believe it should be. And the article link would be included in the window. Then a send button could send it to the site owner/moderator.


  • I received my book the same time that SQLBill did; thanks everyone.

    It's time to beat your own drum though... i noticed that on the site that covers books and reviews, you didn't list your own book yet:


    Add a quick update, and of course make sure your book shows up at the top of the list 🙂



    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Hi SQLBill,


    Every time I read something (not just here) I wish I had the ability to correct typos or at least 'point them out' to someone who can make the change.

    my wife was formerly fulltime and is now parttime editor for german tax law.

    I tell you, it is not all the time funny to have someone like this around when it comes to writing.

    Can someone tell me how long delivery to Germany takes?



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • I'll see about it adding to our book list.

    Frank - I'd say an honest 4-6 weeks. Incredbile that in 2003 anything can take that long, but I sent several books international this year and they did take that long.



  • quote:

    Frank - I'd say an honest 4-6 weeks. Incredbile that in 2003 anything can take that long, but I sent several books international this year and they did take that long.

    I won't be holding my breath for a copy to the UK then!

    Hopefully I'll be getting a hefty shipment of VB books from Wrox at a large discount -- that'll keep me busy while waiting for this 'un.

    Thomas Rushton
    blog: https://thelonedba.wordpress.com

  • quote:

    I tell you, it is not all the time funny to have someone like this around when it comes to writing.

    I know what you mean Frank. My wife and daughters used to get irritated when I pointed out their spelling errors. Now they just ask me to proof-read everything. I love to read, so I don't mind it. In fact that's how I think I got so good at catching spelling errors - when I was a kid, I got bored and read the dictionary from cover to cover!


  • Hi Andy,


    Frank - I'd say an honest 4-6 weeks. Incredbile that in 2003 anything can take that long, but I sent several books international this year and they did take that long.

    that's indeed incredible!

    Might be worth considering once again the ebook solution (maybe in addition, like a goodie)



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    Webmaster: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs
    My blog: http://www.insidesql.org/blogs/frankkalis/[/url]

  • We'll eventually make the ebook available free to all who purchased the book, and also for sale at a price to be determined.



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