Missing numbers

  • I have an smallint field which can have maximum of 6000 value.

    Everytime I insert record I want to insert the next available number but not the max(field1) + 1.

    I posted this question under Analysis also but later on I saw that I should have posted it here. Sorry for repitition.

    Because I might be deleting some records so there would be some unused numbers between 1 - 6000 which were not allocated yet.

    Is there any single command or I have to use cursor and check out the next value with previous value.

  • I don't think that there is a function for that, I think you must use a cursor unless anyone else knows a way.

  • A cursor is one way of locating the first unused number. Another way is to use the powers of MSSQL and sets.

    Try this code.

    -- sample table

    create table sample ( range int, descr char(20))

    -- load with 1,000 initial values

    insert sample select anum, right(str(anum+100000),5) from


    select hun.col1 * 100 + ten.col1 * 10 + unit.col1 as anum


    ( select (1) as col1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5

    union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9 union select 0 ) unit

    cross join

    ( select (1) as col1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5

    union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9 union select 0 ) ten

    cross join

    ( select (1) as col1 union select 2 union select 3 union select 4 union select 5

    union select 6 union select 7 union select 8 union select 9 union select 0 ) hun

    ) a

    -- make some vacanies in the number sequence

    delete sample where range % 15 = 0

    delete sample where range % 23 = 0

    -- show the data we have

    select * from sample order by range

    -- locate the first space

    declare @nextpos int

    select top 1 @nextpos = max(b.range) + 1

    from sample a join sample b on a.range > b.range

    group by a.range

    having a.range <> max(b.range) + 1

    order by a.range

    print 'inserting at ' + str(@nextpos)

    -- use the located number to insert a new record

    insert sample values (@nextpos, 'new insert 1')

    -- repeat the locate

    select top 1 @nextpos = max(b.range) + 1

    from sample a join sample b on a.range > b.range

    group by a.range

    having a.range <> max(b.range) + 1

    order by a.range

    print 'inserting at ' + str(@nextpos)

    -- insert another 'new record'

    insert sample values (@nextpos, 'new insert 2')

    -- end script

  • Great!!


  • If you had a static table (Numbers6000) that held all the numbers from 1 through 6000, you could easily find the lowest missing number in YourTable:

    select min(Number)

    from Numbers6000

    where Number not in (Select Field1 from YourTable)

    Alternately you could generate the numbers on the fly:

    declare @NextNum int

    select @NextNum = min(Thousand + Hundred + Ten + Unit)

    from (

    select 0 as Unit union

    select 1 union

    select 2 union

    select 3 union

    select 4 union

    select 5 union

    select 6 union

    select 7 union

    select 8 union

    select 9) as Units

    cross join


    select 0 as Ten union

    select 10 union

    select 20 union

    select 30 union

    select 40 union

    select 50 union

    select 60 union

    select 70 union

    select 80 union

    select 90) as Tens

    cross join


    select 0 as Hundred union

    select 100 union

    select 200 union

    select 300 union

    select 400 union

    select 500 union

    select 600 union

    select 700 union

    select 800 union

    select 900) as Hundreds

    cross join


    select 0 as Thousand union

    select 1000 union

    select 2000 union

    select 3000 union

    select 4000 union

    select 5000 union

    select 6000) as Thousands

    where Thousand + Hundred + Ten + Unit <> 0

    and Thousand + Hundred + Ten + Unit

    not in (select Field1 from YourTable)

    print '@NextNum = '

    print @NextNum

    A tip of the hat to Itzak Ben-Gan for pointing this technique out.


    Steve Hendricks


    AFS Consulting Group


    (949) 588-9800 x15

    Steve Hendricks
    Data Matrix

    (949) 588-9800 x15

  • I used your example and it exactly fits into it. The one you used with sets.

    Even you are right I could create one table which can have all the possible numbers and then do select command.

    But as this case is in lot of fields so it is good to use set instead of creating tables for each field.


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