Can't Debug a Stored Proc

  • for some oddball reason I can't "Step" through a stored proc when trying to debug...

    it just runs...or doesn't (as the case may be) I can't get it to stop at a set breakpoint...

    any ideas?

    The ~BEST~ solution is always the simplest one!

  • The SQL Server service, is it running under the Local System account?

    K. Brian Kelley, GSEC

    Author: Start to Finish Guide to SQL Server Performance Monitoring

    K. Brian Kelley

  • I've got the same issue when trying to debug from my machine. Have to spark up an rdp session into the SQL server and run it there to make it happen. Depending on the flavour of Windows you're using, this could be a DCOM config/security problem. I found a couple of KB articles on it regarding known DCOM issues but have since lost the links. Will post again if I can track them down.

    If you've got VS.NET installed locally, you can probably use that. This is what I ended up doing, but when I applied the fixes specified in the KB articles, that stopped working, too. Hmm, maybe not such a good idea...

    Haven't revisited this issue since, but it is a huge pain not to be able to debug your sprocs.


  • NO, it's actually being started under the domain Administrator's login.

    The ~BEST~ solution is always the simplest one!

  • OK, since the service is starting as "Administrator" I went down to the server and tried to debug in query worked!

    Since I'm a freshman at SQL Server, I'll need one of you seniors to tell me what's happening.


    Edited by - tombynum on 12/11/2003 08:23:19 AM

    The ~BEST~ solution is always the simplest one!

  • found it...

    The ~BEST~ solution is always the simplest one!

  • All right:

    1.) went through the DCOM settings on the server

    2.) made sure DLL's were registered on client

    3.) even reinstalled SQL Server client tools...

    It still doesn't work. I'm back in the market for clues...

    The ~BEST~ solution is always the simplest one!

  • quote:

    All right:

    1.) went through the DCOM settings on the server

    2.) made sure DLL's were registered on client

    3.) even reinstalled SQL Server client tools...

    It still doesn't work. I'm back in the market for clues...

  • quote:

    All right:

    1.) went through the DCOM settings on the server

    2.) made sure DLL's were registered on client

    3.) even reinstalled SQL Server client tools...

    It still doesn't work. I'm back in the market for clues...

    Try running this:

    exec sp_sdidebug 'legacy_on'

    I forget the rationale for it, but I successfully run it regularly.

  • We had this problem when we upgraded our dev server to sp 3a and the client machines with earlier versions could no longer debug. We upgraded our client machine to 3a and it fixed the problem, here is some further info;en-us;328151

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