ADO in asp pages and sp_start_job

  • Hi,

    Normally I use ADO a DSN connected command object CommandText = <sproc name> with CommandType = 4 in my asp page to call and run stored procedures in my web pages, but this time when I call a sproc that has the sp_start_job in it I get a Job not found error. I've tried to play with the permissions but no luck. My ADO ConnectionString username and password has execute permissions for the sproc and is also the owner of the SQL Server Job that I am trying to call with the sp_start_job system stored procedure, still no luck. I can run the Job no problem by calling the sproc from Query Analyzer using the username listed in my ADO ConnectionString {SIS} as exec <servername>.msdb.SIS.<sprocname> any suggestions? I suspect this is a security permissions issue between my ADO connection from my asp page to SQL2000 Server. I've also tried sa but still no luck, help...

  • In you SP that is called does the sp_start_job call have the DBName..sproc format in it. If not what database is the user accounts default DB as this is where you will be by default with the connection.

  • I figured it out after reading the details of my job step. It said I didn't have permission for Non-Admins to run CmdExec job steps. I added a proxy account using SQLServerAgent - Properties... and notes from this web site and it runs fine now.


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