Replication Vs Logshipping

  • I am trying to create a backup serever for a database. The database schema is not yet stable.

    I wanted to know if Logshipping or Replication is better for this ? (I know replication is not kind to Schema changes)

    Also if the main database server crashes for some reason, which method allows me to switch to the backup server easier.


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  • Since you say that the database schema is not that stable. best option i can think of is to do a daily backup and restore diffrential backup every say 30 which case you have latency of 30 mins ( if that is acceptable by your client)

  • We have the same issue. If you script out replication and if your replication is simple then go for it, as log shipping needs a monitor server. also replication is always avaiable for read/write at the subscriber. log shipping on the other hand is read only till the primary fails.

  • Depending on the size of your database, why not do a snapshot replication and update it a few times a day ? Schema changes seem to pose no problem with snapshots, and snapshots are faster than backu/restore, unless I'm mistaken.

  • You can go for Transactional Replication.

    That is good for Backing up the Live database during on Time.

    You can schedule to run in once in hour.

    You can use this backup database for reporting purpose also. - RAVI

    ravi rasu

    ravi rasu

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