Trying Again

  • I posted this in the general forum, but didn't really get an answer, so I will try again:

    I assume there must be a way to do this, and I am just missing it:

    Right now, I get values from sql strings passed to a stored procedure by using a cursor to write the value to a variable. I'd like to avoid using a cursor, but can't seem to find a way around it.

    E.g. this works with a set sql string:

    declare @var sql_variant

    select @var = (SELECT StaffID FROM Staff WHERE (lastname = 'Smith'))

    I get a value for @var

    but if I want to pass in a variable containing the sql string e.g.

    @strsql varchar(500),

    @val sql_variant = NULL OUTPUT

    --what would go here? how do I pass in the @sqlstr variable?

    select @var =

    This quite likely is a dumb question, but I've spent too much time already trying to make this work....

    thanks for your input

  • Tom,

    I'm not absolutely sure of what you want, but try this....

    declare @var sql_variant
    exec sp_executesql N'SET @var = (SELECT StaffID FROM Staff WHERE (lastname = ''Smith''))', N'@var SQL_Variant OUTPUT', @Var OUTPUT
    select @var


    - Mark

    - Mark

  • Thanks very much for your reply.

    What I'm trying to do is pass a sql string from an app to a stored procedure, and get a return value. I'm doing this now with a cursor.

    The applicaton sends, e.g. '(SELECT StaffID FROM Staff WHERE (lastname = 'Smith') to the sp, and is represented by the variable.

    Thanks to your help, and an MS KB article, I was able to get this to work. Apparently returning a value from sp_executesql is not documented in BOL.

    Here's the test sp that finally worked:

    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[spTESTGetValBySql]

    --gets a single value from the passed in sql string

    @strsql nvarchar(1000),

    @rtnVal sql_variant = NULL OUTPUT



    --pass in sql string to get the value

    DECLARE @testsql nvarchar(1000)

    DECLARE @val sql_variant

    DECLARE @param nvarchar(50)

    SET @param = '@val sql_variant OUTPUT'

    SET @testsql = 'SELECT @val = ' + @strsql

    exec sp_executesql @testsql, @param, @val OUTPUT

    SELECT @val

    SELECT @rtnVal = @val


    Thanks again for your help, this has been bugging me for quite some time....

  • The other, messier way is to write the value out somewhere, either to a global temp table or a permanent table, then retrieve it from the calling session.


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