• I always use SET NOCOUNT ON in my stored procedures.


  • Way to go David.  I think this is a best practice as it improves the performance of the stored procedures by reducing the network traffic.


  • And here we we were thinking maybe no one cared about using it.

  • Sorry, half the post got lost for some reason.

    It should have said that I have a stored procedure where SET NOCOUNT ON doesn't seem to work.

    The procedure itterates down through a table with a parent_id, child_id relationship using temporary tables to accumulate the records.

    The selections in the application database don't send ROWCOUNT messages but the ones for the TEMPDB tables do.

    I was wondering why and how can I stop them?

    Sorry for the missed post, I wasn't practicing DBA ZEN


  • Are all peices within the same scope. Same SP or in different ones, or maybe are you using dymanic SQL within you SP where the ones for the tempDB are returning. I use temp tables often and have not seen SET NOCOUNT ON not work, but no dynamic SQL and all my SP's even the grouped ones have the SET NOCOUNT ON parameter in them.

  • It is one long stored procedure.  I am intending to break it out into smaller procedures later, but at this stage I am simply getting the procedure working.

    What I am doing is

    • Creating temporary tables.
    • Itterating down a tree structure accessing the tables.
    • Once the loop is complete I am joining the results to the main database table.
    • Drop all temporary tables.

    Once all this is working I will have to look at preventing recompiles.  Any guidance on that would be greatly appreciated as well!

  • I have found that when I use more than one database in a stored procedure, I have to put SET NOCOUNT ON for each one.




    USE MyDB






    I believe SET NOCOUNT ON is a setting for the 'Current' database, not for the script.


  • The script doesn't switch to using TEMPDB.  It simply references temporary tables.

    CREATE TABLE #Tbl_Tree1(...etc)

    INSERT #Tbl(... etc)

    It is a shame that there isn't a global setting for SET NOCOUNT.

  • Not real sure but I think if you have "GO" anywhere in your script, you need to set nocount to on after the "GO".  Of course, if you don't have any "GO"s, just ignore this post.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • The actual procedure is shown below.

    The idea is that it returns a "page" of records.  A page defaulting to 10 records.

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.usp_GetChildLinksNav 

     @lViewTreeId  Int,

     @lPageLength Int =10 ,

     @lPageNo  Int = 1 ,

     @lLanguageID Int=1 ,

     @lSortID Int=1 ,

     @lYear   Int = -1 ,

     @lDateType  Int = 0



    * PROC:- usp_GetChildLinksNav


    * Description:- Performs the page n of m retrieval on the usp_GetChildLinks proc.


    * Arguments:- 

    * ===========

    * @lViewTreeID The root of the tree for which branches will be retrieved.

    * @lPageLength The number of links in a page of links.

    * @lPageNo The page number requested.  If this exceeds the actual number of

    *    pages available, it will be reset to the last page.

    * @lLanguageID the id of the required language.

    * @lSortID An identifier to identify the sort order for the records.

    *    1 = Title , 2 = Date


    * Variables:- 

    * ===========

    * @lMaxRows The calculated number of records to retrieve.  If this exceeds the

    *    actual number of records available then this will be reset to

    *    the actual number of records.

    * @lTotalRows The actual number of archived news rows available.

    * @lFirstRow The record number of the first record on the page.

    * @lPages  The actual number of pages available.


    * Dependancies Proc:  usp_GetChildLinks



    * Modified Date: Author  Description

    * ============== =========== ===========

    * 09-Mar-2004  David Poole Created




     DECLARE @lTotalRows INT

     DECLARE @lMaxRows INT

     DECLARE @lFirstRow INT

     DECLARE @lPages  INT

     CREATE TABLE #Tbl_PageInfo1 (

      Page_ID Int ,

      Title VARCHAR(250) ,

      Updated_Date SmallDateTime ,

      Valid_From SmallDateTime ,

      Valid_Till SmallDateTime ,

      Position Int)

     CREATE TABLE #Tbl_PageInfo2 (

      Page_ID Int ,

      Title VARCHAR(250) ,

      Updated_Date SmallDateTime ,

      Valid_From SmallDateTime ,

      Valid_Till SmallDateTime ,

      Position Int)

     INSERT #Tbl_PageInfo1 ( Page_Id , Title , Updated_Date,Valid_From, Valid_Till, Position )

     exec usp_GetChildLinks 

         @lViewTreeID ,

         @lLanguageID ,

         @lYear ,


    -- How many  links were actually returned?

     SET @lTotalRows = @@ROWCOUNT

    -- Calculate the maximum number of rows to return on the basis of the

    -- page length and the page requested.

     SET @lMaxRows = @lPageLength * @lPageNo


    -- If the calculated rows exceeds the actual number of rows then

    -- reset the calculated rows to the actual.

     IF @lMaxRows > @lTotalRows OR @lMaxRows=0

      SET @lMaxRows = @lTotalRows

    -- Calculate the actual number of pages.

     IF @lPageLength=0

      SET @lPages = 1


      SET @lPages = CEILING ( CAST ( @lTotalRows AS REAL ) / CAST ( @lPageLength AS REAL) )

    -- If the requested page number is after the last page, then set to the last page.

     IF @lPageNo > @lPages

      SET @lPageNo = @lPages

    -- Calculate the first row number.

     SET @lFirstRow = @lPageLength * ( @lPageNo - 1 ) + 1

     SET @lPageLength = (@lMaxRows - @lFirstRow) +1

     SET ROWCOUNT @lMaxRows

     IF @lSortID = 1


       INSERT #Tbl_PageInfo2

       SELECT *

       FROM #Tbl_PageInfo1

       ORDER BY Title ASC , Page_ID ASC


       SET ROWCOUNT @lPageLength

       SELECT * ,

        @lTotalRows AS TotalLinks ,

        @lPages  As TotalPages ,

        @lFirstRow AS FirstLinkOnPage ,

        @lMaxRows AS LastLinkOnPage

       FROM #Tbl_PageInfo2

       ORDER BY Title DESC, Page_ID DESC

       GOTO EndProc


     IF @lSortID = 2


       INSERT #Tbl_PageInfo2

       SELECT *

       FROM #Tbl_PageInfo1

       ORDER BY Valid_From DESC , Page_ID ASC


       SET ROWCOUNT @lPageLength

       SELECT * ,

        @lTotalRows AS TotalLinks ,

        @lPages  As TotalPages ,

        @lFirstRow AS FirstLinkOnPage ,

        @lMaxRows AS LastLinkOnPage

       FROM #Tbl_PageInfo2

       ORDER BY Valid_From ASC, Page_ID DESC

       GOTO EndProc


     IF @lSortID = 3


       INSERT #Tbl_PageInfo2

       SELECT *

       FROM #Tbl_PageInfo1

       ORDER BY Valid_Till DESC , Page_ID ASC


       SET ROWCOUNT @lPageLength

       SELECT * ,

        @lTotalRows AS TotalLinks ,

        @lPages  As TotalPages ,

        @lFirstRow AS FirstLinkOnPage ,

        @lMaxRows AS LastLinkOnPage

       FROM #Tbl_PageInfo2

       ORDER BY Valid_Till ASC, Page_ID DESC

       GOTO EndProc


     IF @lSortID = 4


       INSERT #Tbl_PageInfo2

       SELECT *

       FROM #Tbl_PageInfo1

       ORDER BY Updated_Date DESC , Page_ID ASC


       SET ROWCOUNT @lPageLength

       SELECT * ,

        @lTotalRows AS TotalLinks ,

        @lPages  As TotalPages ,

        @lFirstRow AS FirstLinkOnPage ,

        @lMaxRows AS LastLinkOnPage

       FROM #Tbl_PageInfo2

       ORDER BY Updated_Date ASC, Page_ID DESC

       GOTO EndProc




    -- Explicit Drop of temporary table objects.

     DROP TABLE #Tbl_PageInfo1

     DROP TABLE #Tbl_PageInfo2


  • I'm not positive about this, but...

    I looked at Batches, overview in the BOL and it says that CREATE command begins each batch. So, it seems there is an 'implied' GO after each CREATE command.

    Try moving the SET NOCOUNT ON to the place after the last CREATE and before the INSERT.


  • Perhaps changing the temp tables to tables variables would help as well since declaring table variables is not considered DML and my guess is therefore no implied GO statement.


    By the way do you use SET NOCOUNT ON in the proc exec usp_GetChildLinks ?


  • Yes, all stored procedures that I write have SET NOCOUNT ON immediately after the header block.

    I haven't tried declaring variables as table types before so I'll give it a whirl.

  • David,

    Haven't seen any more from you on this, have you tried this solution as I suggested:

    CREATE TABLE #Tbl_PageInfo2 (

      Page_ID Int ,

      Title VARCHAR(250) ,

      Updated_Date SmallDateTime ,

      Valid_From SmallDateTime ,

      Valid_Till SmallDateTime ,

      Position Int)


     INSERT #Tbl_PageInfo1 ( Page_Id , Title , Updated_Date,Valid_From, Valid_Till, Position )

     exec usp_GetChildLinks 

         @lViewTreeID ,

         @lLanguageID ,

         @lYear ,




  • Just out of curiosity are there any triggers that change the NOCOUNT behavior? I've had problems with this in the past where a trigger has played havoc with NOCOUNT settings.

    Gary Johnson
    Microsoft Natural Language Group
    DBA, Sr. DB Engineer

    This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights. The opinions expressed in this post are my own and may not reflect that of my employer.

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