Merge Replication!

  • There is any way te change a article(altering a column) in a merge replication without deleting it?



  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I would love to know the answer to this question as well. The only thing I can think of is to delete the column and re-create, like you mentioned.

    The one time that I tried to change a constraint on an existing column in a replicated table, I ended up causing more problems than I hoped. I used Enterprise Manager to remove the constraint, and while it works successfully, one of my subscriptions stopped working immediately after that. However, the remaining 30 subscriptions are still functioning properly.

    Unfortunately, I cannot find any documentation on how to alter existing replicated table columns, either through Enterprise Manager or system stored procedures.

    My only other guess would be that we could write a stored procedure to be applied to each subscription database that would alter the table directly, but I'm not certain if that would work, or if it would only cause more problems.

    Edited by - jwirvin on 07/03/2003 09:00:01 AM

  • I thought to change to 0 (it is 128 for replicated tables) the field relpinfo in sysobject of desired table alter the column and then reset it to 128 !

    Althought i havent tried this! Altering from the sp will get you to the same err message



  • I found :

    Schema Changes on Publication Databases

    Schema changes can be replicated during snapshot replication, transactional replication, and merge replication. Column additions and deletions are implemented at the table level and propagated to all Subscribers that receive data from that table. For snapshot replication, the schema change is propagated when a new snapshot is reapplied at the Subscriber. For transactional replication and merge replication, the schema change is propagated incrementally when the Distribution Agent or Merge Agent runs.

    Important Schema changes to a published table must be made only through the replication publication properties dialog box in SQL Server Enterprise Manager or through replication stored procedures. Do not make schema changes to published tables using the SQL ALTER TABLE statements in a tool such as SQL Query Analyzer or by using SQL Server Enterprise Manager visual database tools. Changes made to the schema of a published table using these tools will not be propagated to Subscribers.

    It is recommended that you back up the publication database after making schema changes or using sp_mergecleanupmetadata. This will ensure that you can recover the publication database in its correct state if there is a failure of the Publisher.



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