MSSQL is sometimes freezing

  • I have build a application in Visual Studio.Net 2003 VB, and this application is making abouth 150 query's pro second, 1 times in 5 seconds. After a time (1 to 24 hour) the connection with the database on the server is freezing. If I try to open this database with Enterprice Maneger it is also not possible to open this database. With other databases on the same server  in the same instance i have no problems. After abouth 5 min. the freezing database is normal to open, and the problem is gone. 

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Each connection chews up a limited amount of memory on the server. Make sure that your application drops any unneeded connections to SQL Server.

    Also, try running PerfMon to monitor the memory usage to clearly understand if your application is causing memory leaks.

    Hope this helps.

  • In this application the connection is opened at the startup, and closed if the program is terminating.

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