
  • Hi, I would like to understand how shoulmd I use this SP (sp_repldone). In BOL, there is not so much explanation.

    Toà execute this SP, 5 params are needed as folows

    sp_repldone @xactid = NULL, @xact_segno = , @numtrans = 0,    @time = 0, @reset = 0

    On my distribution agent aI have the following 3 errors (an example):


    {CALL sp_MSupd_ArticleKIT (NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,2004-09-07 05:01:40.467,54,'K13186','688129',0xc0)}

    Transaction sequence number and command ID of last execution batch are 0x0000EE0400002D7F000100000000 and 77.


    Where can I get. I know that it is trying ti delete some articles that doesn't exist anymore in the subscriber and want to use sp_repldone to indicate that those 3 errrors are done (replicated) so replication get on track

    my question where or what should populate @xactid and @xact_segno. I read that if we keep null everywhere and reset = 1 it will flag the whole transactions which I don't want to do. I want to do it only for the 3 errored transactions


  • You should not use this procedure. This procedure is used by the logreader when it reads transactions from the log, writes them to the distribution database, and then marks these transactions as read in the transaction log.

    What is the exact error message you are getting. This will be helpful to clear this condition.

    Hilary Cotter

    Looking for a SQL Server replication book?



  • In the distribution agent history, the error stated : a delete operation on a non existant line.

    It was trying to delete an article on the subscriber that dosen't exist anymore


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