Trigger on insert to email last insert to exchange address

  • I am new to triggers, so here goes. On insert, I need the database to email the last inserted row to an exchange account and the person who submitted the information to the database. Here's what I have so far:

    >CREATE TRIGGER last_insert ON [dbo].[empRequests]



    >declare @requestor varchar (25)

    >declare sub_requestor cursor for

    > select reqName

    > from empRequests

    >open sub_requestor

    >fetch sub_requestor into @requestor

    >deallocate sub_requestor


    >declare @sub varchar(50)

    >declare sub_request cursor for

    > select empType

    > from empRequests

    >open sub_request

    >fetch sub_request into @sub

    >deallocate sub_request


    >declare @query varchar(255)

    >declare last_request cursor for

    > select *

    > from empRequests

    > where NOT NULL

    >open last_request

    >fetch last_request into @query

    >deallocate last_request


    >exec master.dbo.xp_sendmail

    >@recipients = 'general email adderss' + @requestor,

    >@query = @query,

    >@subject = @sub



    First, I get an error at the "open..." lines.

    Second, I'm not sure I'm going to get the results I want.

    Any ideas?


  • There is an implicit table for insert or update triggers which contains the records that were inserted.

    You can simply do the following

    declare @requestor varchar (25)

    select @requestor = requestor from inserted

    similarly you can use table deleted in a delete trigger



  • Hi,

    Use the special "Inserted" and  "Deleted" tables to find the data you want (as posted above), but NEVER use xp_sendmail in a trigger.  Triggers need to be short and sweet, and xp_sendmail can be, and is, problematic, and will "tie-up" your transaction when it encounters a problem.

    Use the trigger to post your data to an intermediate table that gets processed by another task either by a scheduled job or other processing "loop".  You will have separated the relatively costly mail process from your data update transaction, and will be able to use other mail tools if xp_sendmail becomes too problematic.


  • I have to agree with Kevin.  Particularly because if xp_sendmail fails your whole transaction will be rolled back.  Put changes in an audit table.  Then you also have the ability to look back in history at changes and develop reports to show who is making changes. 

    Jack Corbett
    Consultant - Straight Path Solutions
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