Log shipping monitor

  • Hi,

    I am just setting up log shipping.  Everything is working OK apart from the log shipping monitor which I have installed on a third SQLServer.

    In my log shipping monitor, on the log shipping pair properties status tab, the last backup file is still showing last_file_0000000000.trn even though the backups are working.

    The last file copied and last file loaded are correct and I can view the backups thru' backup history OK.

    I am getting an alert because the status says Backup not occuring.  I can stop this by disabling the backup alert.

    Has anyone else experienced this or have I missed something. 

    Thanks for any help you can give me.

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  • do u have SP3a installed ? it solve many problems with SQL Server

    also install MDAC 2.7 SP1 on all clients and server machines

    also, what about drop this log shipping and make it again?

    I hope this help u

    Alamir Mohamed

  • Hi Alamir,

    Yes, SP3a is installed.  MDAC2.7SP1 is installed and I have removed log shipping and recreated it (using the Wizard) many times.  But I always have the same problem with the Monitor.

  • i think you have to contact microsoft itself to help you.. 

    I hope one of these e-mails helps you



    Alamir Mohamed

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