SQl Server 2000, Virtual Servers and Collation Settings

  • Another question about Virtual Servers in Cluster...

    I have a 2 node Cluster with a default instance to which I added a second Virtual Server (named instance)

    I have specific instruction from the APP vendor on how to install SQL Server to work with their APP and I need install SQL Server WITHOUT the Full Text Search component and WITH a specific Server Collation (Binary order for use with the 850 Multilingual character set). I have done other standalone SQL Server installations for this APP and they have gone smooth.

    When installing the Virtual 'named' instance in my Cluster, I Cannot DESELECT Full Text Search when I choose Custom install.. it does not appear as an option???

    Also, I chose the Binary order for use with the 850 Multilingual character set during the installation, but that is not the Server Collation that is installed...

    I have already installed SP3 for SQL Server against the Virtual Server on this Cluster, as well as a HotFix... and Now I'm preparing to rerun the SQL Server installation to see if I can fix the 'Collation problem' .. but I'm not sure if this is the right course of action.

    any thoughts or ideas??

  • Full text search is seprate from the SQL instance if you install it once it is available to all instances. You can set the collation on a per database basis at creation time. If the database already exist you will have to change the collation for that database and every table dropping indexes and constraints here is an article from msdn http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/architec/8_ar_da_819v.asp

    I'm not sure why your named instance isn't in the collation that you chose at install. SQL only supports collations that are installed in the base install of the OS. you can rebuild the master database using a tool from microsoft. I have never used it and cannot vouch for it. You can use the rebuildm utility to change the collation of your instance. http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;298568


  • Wes,

    Thank you for all your helpful input! I will check out the rebuildm utility about the collation 'problem'.

    Since I'm new to SQL Server in a Clustered Environment, I still don't understand why the named Instance in the cluster doesn't have the Server Colation that I set at install time.

    Also, I would think that if our Cluster can support up to 16 Instances, and each Instance is really a seperate Install, why I can't choose whether or not to use the Full Text Search component (per instance).

    Thanks again for the reply. This Forum has been has been very helpful to me .. as always

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