Unknown sa password

  • I've inherited a box from another of our organizations but nobody knows the sa password. As this is a production server, how do I retrieve or change the sa password without corrupting anything in the databases?


  • If SQL Server was installed with mixed authentication then you can login as domain administrator. Then change the sa password.

  • Unfortunately it was with SQL authentication. I'm tempted to try reinstalling SQL but I'm not sure of the ramifications.


  • Change the registry LoginMode to 2 will set SQL Server to mixed authentication mode. If you are lucky, the login "BUILTIN\Administrators" is stil there and you can then login with either domain or local administrator account.

    Can you run sp_helplogins and post result here? Don't rush to reinstall SQL Server.

  • I didn't think re-installing was the best option. Here are the results.


    LoginName                                    SID                                                                                                                                                                          DefDBName                DefLangName          AUser ARemote

    -------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ -------------------- ----- -------

    BUILTIN\Administrators                       0x01020000000000052000000020020000                                                                                                                                           master                   us_english           yes   no    

    CCIHCC\sqlserv                               0x0105000000000005150000002FD5EC6DB644E423235F636B8A0C0000                                                                                                                   master                   us_english           NO    no    

    developer                                    0x225AFB07A863354DABC7C86BAA7794F6                                                                                                                                           WOODARD_LIVE             us_english           yes   no    

    pwadm                                        0xAA2232BBB31FCF4BB9451588F19C808D                                                                                                                                           master                   us_english           yes   no    

    pwlogin                                      0x943036F882BDC44F833777443156FAAD                                                                                                                                           master                   us_english           yes   no    

    pwsys                                        0x5829719552C0C54698C11F7A11C9DB38                                                                                                                                           master                   us_english           yes   no    

    sa                                           0x01                                                                                                                                                                         master                   NULL                 yes   no    

    (7 row(s) affected)

    LoginName                                    DBName                   UserName                         UserOrAlias

    -------------------------------------------- ------------------------ -------------------------------- -----------

    BUILTIN\Administrators                       WOODARD_LIVE             Administrators                   User   

    developer                                    CCI                      db_owner                         MemberOf

    developer                                    CCI                      developer                        User   

    developer                                    WOODARD_LIVE             db_owner                         MemberOf

    developer                                    WOODARD_LIVE             developer                        User   

    pwadm                                        plnt32                   PW_ALL                           MemberOf

    pwadm                                        plnt32                   pwadm                            User   

    pwlogin                                      plnt32                   PW_AUTHENICATION                 MemberOf

    pwlogin                                      plnt32                   pwlogin                          User   

    pwsys                                        plnt32                   db_owner                         MemberOf

    pwsys                                        plnt32                   dbo                              User   

    sa                                           master                   db_owner                         MemberOf

    sa                                           master                   dbo                              User   

    sa                                           model                    db_owner                         MemberOf

    sa                                           model                    dbo                              User   

    sa                                           msdb                     db_owner                         MemberOf

    sa                                           msdb                     dbo                              User   

    sa                                           Northwind                db_owner                         MemberOf

    sa                                           Northwind                dbo                              User   

    sa                                           pubs                     db_owner                         MemberOf

    sa                                           pubs                     dbo                              User   

    sa                                           tempdb                   db_owner                         MemberOf

    sa                                           tempdb                   dbo                              User   


  • The BUILTIN\Administrators   logins is there, so just change the registry , restart SQL Server service, login the server with either domain or local administrator account, registry the SQL Server with NT authentication, connect to it and change the 'sa' password.

  • To access SQL Server, you need to use the registry key for SQL Server 2000 and SQL Server 7.0 that determines the authentication mode of SQL Server.


    • In SQL Server 7.0, the key is:

      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft \MSSQLServer\MSSQLServer\LoginMode

    • In SQL Server 2000, the key is:



    The value of LoginMode is 1 for Windows Authentication only, and 2 for Mixed Mode. After locking yourself out, you can change the value of LoginMode to 2, restart SQL Server, and log in as the system administrator (sa), provided you know the sa password.


    Hope this helps.


    Hope this helps...

    Ford Fairlane
    Rock and Roll Detective

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