Domain change

  • Our IT Network team have changed over to Active Directory without telling us.

    All our integrated security continues to work, however we cannot add any new users/groups to our SQL Servers.

    I have tried adding the SQL Servers to the AD and even rebooting the servers but to no avail.

    Can anyone give any guidance as to how correct this?

  • you could kill the IT Network team ...

    is this a permissions thing ? do you need admin rights to be granted again ?



  • How are you trying to Add the SQL Server to AD?  If you are using Enterprise Manager, it probably won't work.

    The best way I've found it to use the SETSPN utility which is part of the Windows Resource Kit.  Unfortunately, it requires a domain admin to run it.  You will need to register the SQL Server as well as the startup account, assuming it is something other than LocalSystem.

    If your startup account is LocalSystem, you can sometimes get it to work by moving the SQL Server to a Workgroup and then rejoining the domain.


    Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

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