DBCC CheckDB on the scheduler

  • I run DBCC CHECKDB ('dbname') with ALL_ERRORMSGS as a scheduled job within Enterprise Manager. I get a final message in the SQL log (no errors found, which is a great thing). If I view the history of the job, I get several rows of messages but not all. If I run this in QA, I get all the messages. Where are the messages? Or, how do I get them to either log or sent to a file that can be opened later? Thanks for any help that you can provide.


  • use with_tableresults and put the results in a table for later viewing.

  • Steve, is this an undocumented function? I don't see anything in BOL. I'll play around with it. Thanks for the tip.


  • i'm sure this is documented in BOL? we've used this method for over a year now and it sure makes things easier to examine long term.

  • Can anybody offer the syntax? I've tried several things and even searched Microsoft without any success. Thanks.


  • dbcc checkdb (DBNAME) with tableresults

    it's a simple as that.

    Also, i found the place that i'd seen it, it's hidden away in the DBCC SHOWCONTIG bit of BOL, so i guess you're right it is undocumented for this DBCC command after all

  • Mike, where does it put the results? Simply to the log?


  • as an alternative you can specify in the job step:Advanced->Output File(create output file on the local drive) with Overwite or Append. It saves all output (which you see in QA) to the text file, which you can send to your developers...

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