Copying data

  • I have to instances of SQL Server. One for development and the other for testing. I have created a table in my DEV environment that has some data. Now I want to copy the table over to my TST environment. To do this, I right-click on my source table and do All Task->Generate SQL Script. Then I invoke Query Analyzer and connect to my destination table. I then open the generated SQL Script and run it.

    This works but the data does not get copied. What do I do to copy the data?

  • I would use the DTS Import/Export wizard to push data between environments.  You'll have the choice to drop all existing data or append data.  You can also use it to move objects such as your tables.

  • Is there a good resource to understand DTS packages?

  • The good basics of DTS are all in BOL (boos online) installed with SQL.

  • To be honest, given how simple a task this is for DTS (source: sql server, destination: sql server, transformation required: none), the wizards launched from Enterprise Manager should provide all the help you need.


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