JDBC Using NT Authemtication

  • Is it true that MS JDBC Driver cannot be configured to use NT authemtication to connect to SQL 2000?

    I use ADO connection and I know you could use trusted_connection to avoid passing userID and password. Plus, if the SQL Server is configured to use NT authentication only, the ADO connection has to use trusted connection.

    One Java programmer approached me and asked me to change the security mode of one of my SQL Server to mixed mode because he couldn't set up the JDBC to use NT authentication. I am not familiar with Java or JSP. Any help is appreciated.

    Thank you.


  • This is correct. There was a vendor at PASS 2003 that had a windows auth driver for Java, but that's the only one I've seen. I believe it isn't allowed by JDBC spec.


  • Got it. Thank you!

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