Replication fails after server down due to missing store procedures

  • Happy New Year all,

    During the holidays one of the servers fell over. Little activity on it so no real data loss problems. Replication however wouldnt restart. There was a transactional push subscription set using stored procedures instead of update delete commands etc.

    When I tried to restart it it told me it couldnt find those stored procedures on the subscriber anymore. The subscriber is at the ISP so I dont have much control or access so I presumme something they run there deletes older subscription parts or maybe somone didnt recognise the stored procedures and delted them. The problem was when I recreated the replication and syncronised it it still wouldnt work as it first tried to delte those stored procedures before recreating them and of course it couldnt find them so it stalled againg. I had to rename the default SP names. This works but I would like to find out how to stop it looking for these SPs before it recreates them or to carry on if it cant find them, or is this not possible and the method I have used is the correct method..?



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  • If you reinitializec the subscription, maybe the snapshot was told not to regenerete the sp. And that's why it failed again after re applying.


    You can use sp_scriptpublicationcustomprocs to regenerete all the replication stored procedures and apply the result in the subscriber so it won't fail again.

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