SQL Server Licencing and ADO

  • Hi,

    I am probably going to ask a dippy question here, but i still would like to know the answer !!

    I have a Server running Small Business Server 2003.

    On this server i have installed SQL Server 2000 with 10 licences (Courtesy of MS Action Pack!).

    I have written a VB6 package that connects to the SQL server database via ADO connections.

    Do i have to buy extra SQL Server licences if my software has more than 10 people trying to connect ?

    I have tried running 15 instances of my software on my laptop, and it works fine...no exceeded connection messages.

    Any help and answers would be greatly appreciated..

    Thanks in advance


  • SQL Server has two types of liceneses, one for the server and one for the clients.

    The "10" licenses you received should be for 10 clients. I believe SBS has a 50 or 100 connection limit, but I'm not sure that's enforced. For SQL Server , limits are not enforced. If you have 50 clients connected and they are authrenticated on your network, i.e. employees, then you need 50 CALs for SQL Server, and probably 50 CALs for Windows, Exchange, etc. If you are running some sort of Extranet with people connecting via an app or web that aren't authenticated, the typcially you need a per processor license for SQL Server. However, not sure that applies or hwo that works for SBS. You might need to contact MS and explain what you are doing to get an answer.

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