Create DB using .mdf and .ldf

  • I just have .mdf and .ldf files with me.

    Can i restore data onto sql7 using those files.

    How do i do it??

  • - take a look at sp_attatch_db in BOL.

    - you cannot attatch sql2k mdf/ldf to sql7 servers.

    - You'll also have to sync db-users after you've attatched.

       use [User-db]


    print 'print @@servername + '' / '' + db_name()'

    print 'go'


    declare @username varchar(128)

    declare @Musername varchar(128)

    declare @IsNtName bit

    declare @sql_stmt varchar(500)

    --cursor returns with names of each username to be tied to its respective

    DECLARE user_cursor CURSOR FOR

     SELECT as Name, as MasterName , su.isntname

     FROM sysusers su

     left join  master.dbo.sysxlogins msu

       on upper( = upper(

     WHERE su.sid > 0x00

     ORDER BY Name

    --for each user:

    OPEN user_cursor

    FETCH NEXT FROM user_cursor INTO @username, @Musername, @IsNtName



     IF @username NOT IN ('dbo', 'list of names you want to avoid')  -- enkel aanvullen indien je een ID niet wenst de synchroniseren


      if @Musername is null


          if @IsNtName = 1


      print 'if not exists (select * from master.dbo.syslogins where loginname = N''NtDomein**\'  + @username + ''')'

      print '   begin '

      print ' exec sp_grantlogin N''NtDomain**\'  + @username + ''''

      print ' exec sp_defaultdb N''NtDomain**\' + + @username + ''', N'''+ db_name() + ''''

      print '   end'

      set @sql_stmt =  '--Windows account '




           SELECT @sql_stmt = 'sp_change_users_login @Action = ''Auto_Fix'',@UserNamePattern = ''' + @username + ''''





          SELECT @sql_stmt = 'sp_change_users_login @Action = ''Update_One'',@UserNamePattern = ''' + @username + ''', @LoginName = ''' + @username + ''''



      PRINT @sql_stmt

     print 'go'

      print '--*** opgelet : exec stmt in comment !!! ***'

      --EXECUTE (@sql_stmt)


     FETCH NEXT FROM user_cursor INTO @username, @Musername, @IsNtName

    END --of table-cursor loop

    --clean up

    CLOSE user_cursor

    DEALLOCATE user_cursor


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  • Hello Asha,

    There is a possibility of restoring the files which you are having right now:

    1. If the files are from SQL Server version 7 and want to restore on to a SQL Server 7 only.

    You will not be able to restore the files from a SQL Server 2000 box to a SQL Server 7 box.

    Copy the following syntax into Query Analyzer and change the coloured text accordingly reflecting the database name and the path where should they recide.

    EXEC sp_attach_db @dbname = N'your database name',

       @filename1 = N'path\your database name.mdf',

       @filename2 = N'path\your database name_log.ldf'



  • I suggest unless you know they come from another source like an Access database or SQL 2000 and you have 7 that you just try to attach. It will give you a nice error message if it has issues.

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