Newby SQL Admin. Need Licence Info. for 6 servers

  • Hello All

    I have been SELECT_ed the new SQL Admin. for the office.

    I need help finding licence info. on 6 server running Sybase SQL 4(I think), SQL6.5, 7 and 2000.

    I need to know the Licence number, type of Licence(CAL, Per Processor), and the amount I have.  Once I have this info. I can assess the amount of new licences we need or don't need.

    Is there a tool or a select statement that will poll this info. ?


  • Your office should have this information. (ie what #licenses is already owned)

    Whatever info you may be able to extract from any installation would only be what was entered when the product was installed, and that figure may (or may not ) be accurate to reality.

    To be sure, go check the office documentation.


  • correct, you need to check with your office manager, purchasing, your VAR, etc to find out what you've purchased.

  • Thanks for the reply guys.. but.....

    My office is the one who is asking for it.

    I need to get this info. together for them. 

    Why is it so hard to get this information?

    I have been in Google groups, Technet, other froums....

    Some one please HELP!!


  • The real issue is that the product can be installed without valid licensing for the server. Product IDs are not required to be unique on the network (unlike Netware). And there is no CAL entry anywhere, not on the client, not on the server. So your LEGAL licensing is your paperwork, not anything installed.

    You do need the paperwork for what is installed, but the installation does not migitage the need for paperwork.

    what I've had to do in the past is ask for ALL invoices paid for computer stuff over the last few years and start going through it. It probably needs to be done and if you can get an intern to do it, it's a good job for them.


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