Why To Reboot the Server?

  • All,

    We have a two-node cluster server (O.S. - Win2K Advanced Server) dedictated for SQL Server 2K. This server has total 4 GB RAM on it with 3/4 of it configured for SQL Server use. The memory usage of sqlserver.exe service is usually low (600 plus MB at the end of each week), with a weekly reboot schedule.

    The server CPU time is about 45% during business hours and the memory usage is low. I wonder if the weekly reboot has any positive effect on the server performance or we should change to monthly/bi-monthly reboot. Can someone offer your comments and advice on what the best practice is?

    Any input is greatly appreciated!


  • I am happy that you are able to schedule weekly reboot.  I think you should feel happy and lucky to have that type of privilege of rebooting your server.  For years I have not been able to ask management approval to even do monthly reboots on any of my sql servers.  We can only reboot if we have to put patches on the servers.



  • It sounds like you have servers that will give you a lot of room to grow...  I doubt that the reboots either help or hurt performance.  There will be a small overhead each time you reboot.  This overhead occurs as the stored procedures are re-compiled when they are first called.  Memory allocation is pretty efficient and should not really be a factor.


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  • I guess your reboot-policy comes from an NT-4 era

    We only reboot if fixes are planned and installed or if our production-plant has a planned downtime.



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