Unable to backup transaction log

  • I'm trying to backup a transaction log. Unfortunately, I am getting the following error:

    Executed as user: PVSQLPROD\sqlsvc. sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000] (Error 22029). The step failed.

    I looked on the MSDN site and found the following associated with this error:

    The string for the target folder (the folder specified to store the database backup, or the one used for the transaction log backup or the one used for reports) in a maintenance plan contains "-S". For example, the directory path "C:\Db-Save" contains an "-S" string.

    The database name nor does the database transaction log backup path has a "-" in the name. I am using the same unc path for transaction backups for other databases. Those transaction logs are being backed up to that location. I don't know why this database is having an issue.

    Has anyone come across this problem? If so, how did you resolve it?

  • Have you checked the SQL Maintenance Plan log to see what it's reporting?

    sqlmaint.exe may be throwing an error for any number of reasons, and recording the exact reason in it's own log file.

    In Enterprise Manager, under Management, Database Maintenance Plans, right click your maintenance plan and choose Maintenance Plan History. Chance Status to Failed to see just the errors.

    Julian Kuiters

  • Thank you for this tip!  I checked the maintenance history and found the following issue:  Backup can not be performed on this database. This sub task is ignored.  I checked msdn and found this article relating to the issue: The transaction log backup job may have failed because the database is using the "Simple" recovery model in SQL Server 2000.

    I checked, when I created the database I had it in full recovery.  When I did the restore, the recovery model changed to simple.  I changed the recovery model back to full and was able to backup the transaction log.

    Thanks again for your help!

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