• As  part of my automated backup process, I use XP_DIRTREE to verify that the backup path exists.  I have one server (out of 17), on which the process hangs.  I have isolated the problem to XP_DIRTREE.  The one major difference about this server is that it is the only server in our enterprise that is a replication publisher.  The server is running Windows 2000 Server service pack 3, and SQL 2000 service pack 3.  When the problem first occurred, we were running SQL 2000 rtm (no service pack).  Service pack 3a was applied yesterday.  As a sidenote, XP_FIXEDDRIVES and XP_SUBDIRS both execute with no errors.  I was unable to find anything about this on Microsoft’s website, which is not unexpected since XP_DIRTREE is undocumented.  I need the functionality that XP_DIRTREE provides to ensure that any new databases will be backed up properly.  Anyone have any ideas?




  • Why do you need this functionality? I've got a package that checks the backup path and if it doesn't exist, creates it.

    select @cmd = 'exec master..xp_cmdshell ''if not exist ' + @backupdrive + ':\mssql md "' + @backupdrive + ':\mssql"'''

  • Steve,

    Thank you!  That works!  Still don't understand why xp_dirtree doesn't, but this will get me going again!

    Thanks, again!


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