Copying MDF and attaching to new installation...

  • I've just been looking through security of a project that will contain sensitive information when it goes live.

    I have a SQL Server installation that two people are administrators on.  I need to restrict data access the other administrator without removing sysadmin privileges.  As we're running 2000, my idea is to install another named instance, each of us being an administrator on one, so we have free reign over our own installation.  If for any reason we need access to part of eachother's database(s), this can be simply achieved with a dedicated login.

    But this brought up another question... if someone copied the MDF file for the database, and attached it to a different SQL Server installation, would they then be able to read the data?

  • In response to your specific question, I do not know the answer but would like to know.

    OTOH, you can control access to the MDF file in similar fashion to using multiple instances with separate security.  Just make sure that the MDF, NDF and LDF files for each instance are in separate directory structures.  Apply Windows 2000 or Server 2003 permissions to restrict access to the directories only to the appropriate administrator.



  • I thought of that but due to the nature of the setup, I can't do it, as the people I need to lock out are administrators and I can't deny them access to part of the file structure.

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