Windows Authenication failing - Mixed seems to be working...

  • Hi,

    Got quite an unusual problem. Basically, our SQL server doesn't allow any connections through either the EM or QA using Windows Authenication. Funny thing though is that this was working two days ago. In addition, the SQLServerAgent decided to fall over as well.

    Anyway, it turns out the SQLServerAgent was attempting to connect to the Server using Windows Authentication and failing. Luckily, I can connect to the server over TCPIP and configure the SQLServerAgent to do the same as well as the EM and QA on the server console. However, I would prefer to use Windows Authenication and curious to know why it doesn't work anymore...

    Now this is probably going to be a kicker - but yesterday we uninstalled Veritas Backup from the Server (which uses MSDE I think) for a various reasons. However, would this uninstall (which I'm assuming would only disable the MSDE BACKUPEXEC db) have any effect on the main SQL Server? In addition, how can I get things to be as they were, e.g. Windows Auth...

    Thanx and in advance for helping a dotnetter out in the big wide world of SQL Server.


    Microsoft MVP (VB)

  • 1.  Check to ensure that the Windows UserID that you are using wasn't deleted from the Server Users/Groups and/or removed from SQL user/groups

    2.  Check the server (right-click on the server registration in EM) and click on the security tab.  It hopefully is still in SQL Server and Windows.

    3.  Check to make sure that the Windows UserID that you are using hasn't been locked out for whatever reason.


    Good Luck,


    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens

  • Interesting.  Basically, I went to the SQL Logins and noticed that the Administrators group was set to to BUILTIN\Administrators and not <domain>\Administrators. 

    Anyhoo, I added just the Administrator account, reset the SQL Server registration and the SQLServerAgent connection and hey presto!  I'm a bit busy at the mo. and will reset the <domain>\Administrators up rather than using just the user account as soon as I get time.

    Thanx for your time and help - Cheers Drydo

    Microsoft MVP (VB)

  • BUILTIN\Administrators is added to the SysAdmin role by default when you install SQL.  Normally, <domain>\Administrators would be added to your <server>\Administrators groups.  In this case, all Domain Administrators should be able to login to SQL.  I'd check the membership of your local administrators group.


    Meddle not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup.

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